I can't stand being around my sister - are you unhappy with your sibling(s)?

I'm so sorry your sister is so mean to you. Siblings definitely shouldn't act like that.
I think all siblings have their moments of rivalry, but her being like that to you constantly is just.. gross, really. Especially because of how old she is, and that YOU are the mature one. You shouldn't have to be the mature one. I applaud you.

My brother is 6 years older than me, and we had a pretty rocky relationship when we were really little, but now he's a good brother. Occasionally he's a horrible brother though.

I think the main thing is that everybody has their moments, but some people are just bad people in general. It really sucks when you're related to those bad people because you can't simply erase them from your life. (I'm related to a very bad person, but they're not a sibling.)
Very unhappy with my little cousin :/
She swears and she's extremely rude to my aunt and uncle and other family members
She's only 9!
My little brother is 3 years younger than me (he's 12) and I honestly cannot stand him. He's rude, stuck up, and thinks he's entitled to whatever he wants. I'm pretty sure he's the favorite in my family. Somehow he always finds some way to get under my skin and then when I end up breaking from his annoyance, I get yelled at for nothing. He also just sits on his lazy *** all day watching YouTube videos and getting served like he's some god. Meanwhile, I'm at summer school trying to get good grades and write my own ticket when it comes to college. Honestly, I have no idea why society thinks you need to get along with your siblings. You meet other people that you just don't get along with all the time, and what do you do? You don't associate with them anymore. It shouldn't be any different for family, just because you're related to them by blood doesn't make them a special case. I get told all the time to be nicer to him, but really my parents should be having that conversation with him. I know this was a bit of a rant but I genuinely hate him.
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My little brother is 3 years younger than me (he's 12) and I honestly cannot stand him. He's rude, stuck up, and thinks he's entitled to whatever he wants. I'm pretty sure he's the favorite in my family. Somehow he always finds some way to get under my skin and then when I end up breaking from his annoyance, I get yelled at for nothing. He also just sits on his lazy *** all day watching YouTube videos and getting served like he's some god. Meanwhile, I'm at summer school trying to get good grades and write my own ticket when it comes to college. Honestly, I have no idea why society thinks you need to get along with your siblings. You meet other people that you just don't get along with all the time, and what do you do? You don't associate with them anymore. It shouldn't be any different for family, just because you're related to them by blood doesn't make them a special case. I get told all the time to be nicer to him, but really my parents should be having that conversation with him. I know this was a bit of a rant but I genuinely hate him.

True, but when you're related to someone and you live with them, it's very hard NOT to associate yourself with them. :( Like, as much as you dislike them, you're still living under the same roof as them, so the least you can do is just remain civil with each other (eg: just don't talk to each other if you constantly argue and just respect each other, although if you're dealing with a 12 year old here, that's easier said than done...). I mean my friend is good friends with someone of whom I'm not too keen on because they're really immature and often make fun of other people and if I'm standing with them, I don't want the person they're making fun of to think I am too. I don't want to associate myself with them, of course, but I can't exactly walk away either. I mean I could walk away, yeah, but sometimes there are situations when you can't. I don't know, really, all I can say is that you need to just try and ignore your immature brother's behaviour: You arguing back when you're annoyed doesn't help (you should talk to your parents about that instead), because if anything that shows you're "associating" yourself with him, in a way, because you're interacting with him and reacting to his bad behaviour. I really don't know how I can get my point across, but getting stressed and annoyed with your siblings isn't worth it - I know that for a fact. :(
I'd be lying if I said I've never wanted to punch my brothers in the face (and I'd be lying again if I said I never have), but we've always been able to get along pretty well.
Your sister sounds so horrible ;_; I wouldn't be able to deal with what you go through, but I really hope it changes for the better.

I didn't used to get on with my sister. It was more one-sided too, I'm not the type to argue or be mean, she would just ignore me and not wanna do anything with me, and she made me cry almost every day by saying nasty things to my face or blaming me for things I didn't do and all I ever wanted was just to do things with her like draw, play games, and watch movies :(
We're fine now though, we get on well but there honestly was a time when I wanted to strangle her out of pure hatred and revenge for how miserable she made me feel every day.
And I thought my life was bad,well it is but not nearly as bad as some people on here..You should tell your sister what you think and stand up to her,just make sure there's someone else in the house to make sure she doesn't hit you...It sounds so gross how she leaves tissues everywhere.

My brother are kind of close.When we were younger we were much closer,but now not so much.He can be mean
Your sister sounds horrid. My brother teased me a lot when we were younger but it wasn't anything serious or traumatising. He'd always call me JJ monkey because I was hairier than him hahaha ._. He was pretty harsh on me when we were kids but it toughened me up a lot. I love my brother now, we get along great and he's my best friend... but sometimes I cannot stand talking to him. He has a lot of anger issues and doesn't have a lot of friends to talk to where he is.. so he always rants to me. I'd like to think that I'm somewhat of an optimistic person but I can only take so much of his negativity before I snap.
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Damn, that sucks, I'm sorry that's happening to you. She sounds so pushy and thinks everything revolves around her omg.

I rarely ever speak with my siblings because I'm always in my room but when I do go outta my room, I see them and 90% of the time, we argue. I have an older sister and little sister.

My older sister was the one I always fought with, she's a year and a half older than me so the age difference/(im)maturity is the same, we would get in each other's head, bicker, yell, and get into fist fight, it was so bad to the point my mom gave up on us. But I just couldn't stand her, she always told me what to do and what not to do. And sometimes when I'm about to do it, then out of nowhere she would tell me to do it, I end up not doing it because I HATE BEING TOLD OF WHAT TO DO SO MUCH, so yeah, it was half our fault. I just wish she would mind her own business and not care about me so much because I felt like I was being watched 24/7 and it was so annoying, like, dude, calm down, you're gonna grow white hair if you keep watching over a stubborn girl like me. But the way she talked to me too was just so cold and her attitude was so terrible, I always compared the way she talked to other people to the way she talked to me and it really hurt me because, I was her sister, why would she be all rude to me and nice to everyone else? I never really cared or compared myself to anyone but with her, there was no other way to prove that she despised me. And then one time we made a plan, we were supposed to go shopping and spend the whole day together, basically sisters thing idk, I got all dressed up and she canceled on me last minute, which wasn't the first time she did it so I got fed up and pretty much just ignored her since then. My mom got really mad because we were supposed to be one family or whatever but we were fighting like all the time so I insisted I wanted to leave but my mom was also kinda getting tired of her so she made me stay and in the end, my sister left. I do feel bad, everything was my fault, if only I didn't get mad so easily but at the same time, if only she didn't do things that made me mad UGH i don't know but I feel so bad, I love her so much and I regret everything. So maybe I'm the kind of sister that one can't stand being around with. But recently I've been seeing her secretly, my mom doesn't want me seeing her so I just kinda don't tell her we hang out, and we've been hanging out a lot, and since it's summer and I only got classes in the morning, I let her come over after and we watch anime and stuff and she leaves before my mom comes home. I feel so terrible and I've begged her to come back, but she really doesn't want to. But the thing is, I think it was the way we were living. She's a great person, just not someone I can live with (why I wanted to leave because tbh I think I'm the mess here) but idk why they just won't let me.

So now, I really treasure my siblings, I don't care anymore, I love them and even if I snap on them sometimes, they're still my favorite people in the world, and I really got no one else but them.
I could never, ever dislike my oldest brothers at all.
Maybe it's the age difference, but they have always treated me nicely. Many times they go out of their way to do something for them. I wish I could as much for them as they do for me.
My little brother is such a little **** ugh. He's 9 years old.
He is making fun of me 24/7. My parents told me he was sleep talking and said 'I'll kill you Izzy (me)', so literally, 24/7 aha!
But I'm stronger than him, so......
since im a triplet ive always had a really close bond with my sisters, sometimes we have little falling outs but its more or less sorted in 5 minutes. my brother, as loving as he is can be a little bit rough and rude sometimes. but fortunately, im on good terms with them. im sorry that your sister is like that, she seems to have no consideration for your feelings. i hope she soon finally has some sense (i mean, she is 23, she should have some sense!) and stops treating you like dirt; you're not dirt and you are always nice to her, i see no reason for her not to be nice back.