Howdy there!


The gift that keeps on giving!
Nov 9, 2023

I think I first got into Animal Crossing in 2020 with New Horizons? I remember my first camper was Raymond! But then I reset my island, blah.. I have a habit of losing my saves actually! I started the GameCube game on the 5th and I lost it today, I also have a copy of Wild World I've had since I was a kid and no file there either.. I remember I wrote a letter to my future self, I wonder what I said?

But yeah, happy to be here!

- qwert (Will get a real signature sometime later)
Welcome to the forums! Happy to have you here! :]

New Leaf was my first introduction to Animal Crossing when it was first released! I spent so many hours on it and I would like to bring my 3DS to school with me and play it whenever I could! I have restarted my save file on there a few times, but I recently picked it back up and plan on keeping this town for good! I got Wild World after New Leaf, but never played much of it unfortunately. Got New Horizons on launch day, and I would say... it's still fun to this day! I do have a bias for New Leaf though :]

I just came back on the forums today, if you can believe it! Just updated some stuff and now I'm seeing what's up! Planning on being more active here since I'm back on New Leaf. Cheers!
Welcome to the forums! 🎉✨ Hope you enjoy it here!

Are you focusing on any particular AC game at the moment? 😊
welcome to the bell tree, qwert! i hope you have a lovely time here! 💕

do you have any favourite villagers? c:
Yo! It's nice to meet ya both, sorry I'm struggling a little with the quote feature :p
To kilusion2011, ah neat! I've tried that one, never got too far into it but it's on my 3ds :) I got New Horizons on my brothers birthday I think? I think that game wasn't really for me, I'm not the most creative and the characters felt a little plain, but I did enjoy what I played! My thoughts on the GCN game is that they're a lot livelier, which is neat!

To S.J, thanks! I guess the first one, and because I'm learning Japanese I might try Animal Forest when my skills progress

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welcome to the bell tree, qwert! i hope you have a lovely time here! 💕

do you have any favourite villagers? c:
Ah thanks! Hmmm, I like Lucky! Mummy inspired characters are awesome. How about you?
Ah thanks! Hmmm, I like Lucky! Mummy inspired characters are awesome. How about you?
lucky is adorable! i have lots of favourite villagers (including lucky, haha), but my #1 favourite right now is shino! 🖤
lucky is adorable! i have lots of favourite villagers (including lucky, haha), but my #1 favourite right now is shino! 🖤
Just looked up, they're neat! Just remembered a video I saw on Meow, they're pretty neat

I remember my island had Audie named after that grandma that liked New Leaf, I liked that villager too :)
Yo! It's nice to meet ya both, sorry I'm struggling a little with the quote feature :p
To kilusion2011, ah neat! I've tried that one, never got too far into it but it's on my 3ds :) I got New Horizons on my brothers birthday I think? I think that game wasn't really for me, I'm not the most creative and the characters felt a little plain, but I did enjoy what I played! My thoughts on the GCN game is that they're a lot livelier, which is neat!

To S.J, thanks! I guess the first one, and because I'm learning Japanese I might try Animal Forest when my skills progress

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Ah thanks! Hmmm, I like Lucky! Mummy inspired characters are awesome. How about you?
Fair enough with New Horizons! I liked that game, but there's only so much I could do before my interests went somewhere else. It's nice to come back to every once in a while!
I haven't played the GCN one, but I really like all of the fun bits about the game, like the code and people breaking it down. It really makes me appreciate it a lot more! The villagers personalities are so much fun too!
Fair enough with New Horizons! I liked that game, but there's only so much I could do before my interests went somewhere else. It's nice to come back to every once in a while!
I haven't played the GCN one, but I really like all of the fun bits about the game, like the code and people breaking it down. It really makes me appreciate it a lot more! The villagers personalities are so much fun too!
I see people say the villagers are meaner but I dunno, they're kinda more real? If some guy that moved in 20 minutes ago burst into my house I'd be a little mad :p

Unrelated, any way to disable emojis? I prefer emoticons lol
Just looked up, they're neat! Just remembered a video I saw on Meow, they're pretty neat View attachment 521786
I remember my island had Audie named after that grandma that liked New Leaf, I liked that villager too :)
ooh, i love meow as well! she’s so cute, she’s always reminded me of a little watermelon kitty, haha. i also love bow; it’s a shame that they were only ever in the gamecube game.

audie is in my top 3 favourite villagers! i currently have her on my island. ☺️ she’s so pretty, and her name really does make her more special.

as for the emojis, afaik there isn’t a way to disable them, but what i do when i want to use an emoticon is i space the symbols out. like, if i wanted to do a smiley face, i’d do : ).
ooh, i love meow as well! she’s so cute, she’s always reminded me of a little watermelon kitty, haha. i also love bow; it’s a shame that they were only ever in the gamecube game.

audie is in my top 3 favourite villagers! i currently have her on my island. ☺️ she’s so pretty, and her name really does make her more special.

as for the emojis, afaik there isn’t a way to disable them, but what i do when i want to use an emoticon is i space the symbols out. like, if i wanted to do a smiley face, i’d do : ).
Ah gotcha! But yeah, nice to meet ya : ) not sure what else to talk about lol
I should find a way to get Meow into the game here, maybe I could find a dot code? No clue :p
Hello! Nice to meet you! New Horizons is my first Animal Crossing game, and I really enjoy the series. I also like Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, and Castlevania games. What other games do you like?
Hello! Nice to meet you! New Horizons is my first Animal Crossing game, and I really enjoy the series. I also like Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, and Castlevania games. What other games do you like?
Nice to meet ya too! A favourite game of mine is Hypnospace Outlaw, it's like an internet detective thing : )