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How to get the guy!


Back from Hiatus (3/18/22)
Mar 12, 2016
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Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Now, this is by no means a definitive guide, but I've noticed so many people talking about their relationships lately I thought I'd help. The advice stems from what me and a group of friends have observed and a pooled knowledge of what we like in women. Finally, this advice deals with straight (boy-girl) relationships only, if only because I have 0 experience in anything else. with that out of the way, let's begin!

So you like a guy.
I know you've all been there before. You have feelings for someone, but you don't know how to react around them anymore. Maybe you're too shy to talk to them. Maybe you keep blurting stuff out around them until you scare them away. Anyhow, here's my honest advice for how to approach us men.

1. Talk to us. Seriously! I know it's difficult, but you can't sit around for us to initiate a conversation. Oftentimes us men actually want to talk to you but are too shy to do so. Go up, strike up a casual conversation! We don't bite, promise.

2. Find out what their interests are. Us men love girls that share our common interests, or at least express a desire to start said interest. To fully explain what I'm talking about, let me give you a scenario:

You've done step 1, and you're talking to your friend. He brings up this series of books/movies/video games/etc. that he seems really passionate about but you've never heard of. what do you do?

A. Oh hey, I know that series! I love it! Bad idea. This is lying and you'll get caught eventually. When you do, they'll see you as untrustworthy and this can only hurt your relationship.

B. That seems really neat! I'll watch/play it when I get home. This is okay, but you want to make sure you follow up on that promise. They'll probably be disappointed if you continue to say "I'll try it" but never do.

C. That sounds really neat, tell me more about it! This is your best bet. This gives them some time to talk to you about something they're passionate about, and you get to spend some time listening to them talk. Best of all, this comes with 0 lies and 0 commitment, no strings attached.

D. Hmm... doesn't really sound like something I'd be into, sorry. Fair enough. Don't fake interest if you honestly have none, it just makes a bigger mess.

3. Spend time with them. Every excuse you can find! "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" is a lie. If this guy in question has 0 romantic feelings towards anyone else, spending time with him might be just what you need to bring the two of you together. Be sure to ask them some questions about their life, whether it's serious or downright silly. this moves past meaningless banter into a more personal conversation.

4. Make your move. This one's the toughest part. So you like them, you've shown them kindness, you think they're into you as well. At this point, go for it! the guys I know (me included) have spent literal YEARS agonizing over a crush and being overwhelmed by an inability to tell the other person. And let this be a word of encouragement: Most guys develop a crush nearly instantly. If they're not into you by now, they'll most likely never be interested and you can move on unashamed. Do not make a move if you think they're crushing on someone else or they've recently broken up. This makes everything 1000X more stressful for everyone involved and will bother the guy to no end. Wait to see how everything resolves before you make your move. Then make your move, simple and swift. Tell them how much they mean to you and that they're a huge part of their life. You don't have to "ask them out" at this point, although you certainly could.

Closing random tips and tricks:

Don't worry about makeup! You're beautiful just the way you are and the only guys who care are the superficial ones. Don't be ashamed to show your real face, guys admire that.

If you can't get him interested in you, don't hate yourself over it. it simply wasn't meant to be.

Don't be afraid to get dirty or eat messy or any of that crap. it's cute when girls are down to earth :blush:

Most importantly, be yourself! If at any point during this guide you thought to yourself "That's not me" then ignore that part. Be unique! Don't just do the same exact things as everyone else or you'll blend in, accentuate your quirks. If you aren't interested in what he likes, tell him that. Do what you want. this isn't a foolproof solution, it's just a bit of advice. I simply wanted to let you know what guys like and try to minimize the awkward bumps along the road.

In closing:

If you have any suggestions on how to make this guide better, please tell me! I'm open to suggestions :) Also, you girls out there NEED to make a "How to get the girl" thread, guys are utterly clueless I'm afraid. Thanks for reading, I really hope I helped!
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lol! This reads like a school textbook. Now I'm imagining an actual class on this stuff.

Everyone's different, so I can't say this guide is 100% accurate. There's some decent advice though.
lol! This reads like a school textbook. Now I'm imagining an actual class on this stuff.

Everyone's different, so I can't say this guide is 100% accurate. There's some decent advice though.

Yeah, that was my main problem writing this. I tried to assure people in the text that this is by no means foolproof, but it kinda does sound like a school text now that I read it again haha
dang i remember when i was looking all this stuff up online ^^; those middle school years
Hahaha how sweet of you! But really when I was younger, I was the kinda girl who always made the first move.
usually what i do is: i tell them if they go out with me i'll let them out of the basement for 30min each day, or if theyre lucky i might feed them more often!
You forgot to mention to love our gas.

Love the gas...

I require females to complete and submit a questionnaire. How can you know whether you're attracted to a person or not until you know:

-Their religion, and respective piety
-Their family and family history
-Their socio-economic class
-Their artistic and literary talents
-Their sensitivity, romanticism and sentimentalism
-Their patriotism, provincialism, and rootedness in their native culture
-Their cooking, cleaning and other domestic abilities
-Their mental and emotional stability
-Their historical attitude and preferences regarding bourgeois family life
-Their racial origins (if not already clear)
-Their feminine virtues (virginity, modesty, etc)

The above listed constitute 95% of the qualifications for any marriable and therefore attractive girl
This is so sweet :) And I never wear makeup so there is hope for me thank you ^_^
This is so sweet :) And I never wear makeup so there is hope for me thank you ^_^

I never wear make up either! I have had a decent number of guys like me so if they can like me without makeup, they can definitely like you too!

DO NOT feel like you need makeup for guys to like you. It is untrue!!
I never wear make up either! I have had a decent number of guys like me so if they can like me without makeup, they can definitely like you too!

DO NOT feel like you need makeup for guys to like you. It is untrue!!

To be honest, I really don't care if girls wear makeup. Both sides of the person are beautiful.