How tiny the "gate" is in this game


💎 We don't talk about Bruno-no-no-no 💎
Jan 5, 2014
White Pansy
White Cosmos
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Purple Violet
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Purple Violet
White Lily
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
This is random and very minor, but I find it funny how Porter talks about the "gates" like they are the giant wall-like gates (like from CityFolk & WildWorld) as if opening them is such a hassle. XD Someone could easy hop over them, lmao.
But don't you know? This universe goes off of Luigi's Mansion physics where jumping doesn't exist unless you are scared or... dancing I guess.
Lol, I barely know anything about the deep details of that franchise's games - but funny reference? XD
We're all law-abiding citizens here. Who would dare to hop a ticket gate in the train station?
lolololol I've always thought of this. Like, anyone could hop over the gate when it's closed. xD
Such dare devils breaking the law. The doggy cops gonna throw you in jail.
I just figured otherwise you'd get hit by that stray red train.
Lol, in all seriousness though.

Porter: *gives 5 minute long choice conversation* "Okay, about to open gates!"
*two tiny red pieces of plastic flap open*
Me: All of that talking for that?!
I can imagine Booker attempting to run after a criminal gate jumper while panting.