How long does it usually take you to do the reset trick?

The longest was Carmen's, which reached 30 minutes. Eugene got it right the first time and I forgot to do it for Hamlet, but all I did was move the path around.
It usually takes me 30 minutes to an hour. Once I got a good feel of my town layout, I started to only check designated residential areas with each reset, instead of checking the whole town. This helps it go a lot quicker.
It took forever for Marshal to move in even remotely where I wanted him to. He plopped one square in front of where I wanted him, so I just went with it. Looks fine.
Usually around an hour. It took me forever to find a decent house location for Mac, though. I never thought I had the patience.
The reset trick is where you create a new character when you start the game for the first time on any given day, instead of getting on an existing character. The game does not save your town when you just arrive as a new character, so you can walk around town to check for new villager plots and even new house exteriors at Nook's Homes.

1. Start the day by creating a new character
2. Check for new villager plots
3a. If villager plot is in desirable location, proceed to talk to Isabelle, ask Nook to plop down a tent and talk to Isabelle again to save the game
3b. If villager plot is in undesirable location, simply exit the game, reopen the game and create another new character
4. Delete the new character
Usually anywhere from 2 minutes to half an hour if they're stubborn about house placement.
The longest was Marshal though. I spent 3 - 4 hours resetting while watching tv and taking breaks in between. Geez. At least his house is in a good location now.