How do you handle the bad in life?

1. Start thinking positive. I learned in psychology class that when you're in a negative mind, you're gonna continuously think of other negative stuff. So, even if I feel stupid trying to be super peppy positive, it ends up working in the end. Plus, with this positive mindset, you'll think of other positive stuff.
2. Do something that makes me feel good. For example, I got a bad test grade. Okay. I'll say "at least I'm alive" and pat myself on the back and treat myself to a chocolate or something.
I seem to have the opposite view of most people here, as I don't think there is a reason to be good or bad. Life ends regardless of what you do, if you want to make it miserable for other people, go for it, if you want to spend your time trying to improve the world, do that. Nothing you do matters whatsoever, so be "evil" or "good" as you see fit.
Well, you could also think 'Why be evil when there will always be good people trying to stop you'. To me it's really about morals and which way your heart pulls you. One could say it's easier to be evil which I do agree with, but it's also a lot harder to ignore your heart when you're genuinely a good person at your core who gets pleasure from helping others. I handle the bad in life by creating more good.
I hate thinking about bad things so I just try to avoid negative mojo. I am an extremely positive person by nature and I have a moral drive to make the world (well, MY world) better and a feel good place. I sometimes feel like the embodiment of love, hugs and butterflies, even though I've gone through a rough patch. Whenever I have to face something morbid, I just try to think about carrying on the deed for those who can't do it, only because the world can't be nice all the time.
The way I avoid bad is by distraction, I don't like moping about anything so if anything bad happens I like to take my mind off of it any way I can. I use that time to really say "Hey, I'm having a bad time so I need to do some stuff for ME." So I'll maybe buy myself a new game, or binge watch a tv show, just really do stuff that will make me feel better. I also like talking to some friends or even asking them to hangout if they can so I can have a good time. If it's really bad and I need to talk about things I almost always go to friends and vent, Its good to let the feelings out sometimes and even if you don't want to bother a friend I'm sure they're more than happy to and there's also plenty of places where you can to it anonymously. If someone is the one making you feel this way it's good to cut off ties as well, you don't need negativity in your life so I like to cut off toxic people or if I can't because they're unavoidable, like family, I try not to pay them any mind and only talk if directly spoken to, if they try to spout mean things, I ignore it. Hard times can get to you, but please remember you can always pick yourself back up! It's always important to remain true to yourself though. Even if you're surrounded by evil/bad/mean people don't let them change you into one of them, we have enough of those people as it is, and if you treat everyone with kindness and compassion, someone else will do that for you, it definitely gives you so much more rewards than being a butthead. At least that's the way I see things. I also just really enjoy the feeling that being kind to other people gives me. And if I could make someone's day or even make it just a little better, I would probably do it in a heartbeat.
ok here comes a long post, get ready.
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Ok quick back story: My life is a raging mess, always has been - fall's apart at the blink of an eye, right? I also have bad issues dealing with anxiety so inconveniences just hit me HARD.

So I'm used to having to find a way to deal with the bad. So the simple bad things, yaknow, minor errors that don't ruin a week but kinda irk you? I've learnt to cope with them by putting them into the perspective of around a few weeks (e.g. 'will i remember this in 1 month? will it bother me? will it bother those around me?) It eases my anxiety + I like to look at things realistically so yaknow, it gives me what I need.

But when bigger issues arise, the ones you can't exactly ignore or quickly move on from - the kind that lurk with you - for me, it's just learning to accept and remember that things are never going to be bad 'just because' - Negative things are necessary because otherwise we'd lack the knowledge of what feeling good is - we'd forget how wonderful it is? Good times are not good times if bad times never come, they're just... regular times without the special feeling or the sweet butterflies you get from good times. (If that makes sense?) So when something really bad happens I try to think that it had to happen, and even if it could've been prevented somehow, there's no use in dwelling on what could've happened if you did change the outcome because that's not possible - whats done is done.
if the situation isn't gonna change, and you can't help yourself, then I'm a strong believer in the idea that you should go out and help others where you can't help yourself - even if it's something really simple, like, helping them do their math homework??? I find often that when I help others in often tiny tasks, like getting a dream villager or teaching them how to make the best mac + cheese it makes me feel better in myself. Its a sorta 'I may not be in control of what the world gives me, but I'm in control of what I give the world' mindset
And uh, I'm not so sure if it's a good thing to tell yourself that something bad is always going to happen + then cope with that headspace, but its how I do things c:

(ok this was really long lol Im sorry)
I try to turn bad situations into good ones and be there for the people who are affected by it.
More personally, it's important for me to not put the blame on others and find an outlet for myself.