How did you find out about "The Bell Tree Forum"?

I was searching for animal crossing forums on google. I joined animal crossing community first, but its layout was so poor & confusing I couldnt bear to look at it, it was like a 1990 forum style or craigslist or something. -_- plus it had very minimal personalization (you couldnt even upload your own icons, only mods could, like wryyyyyyy where did my individuality go!?!) so I joined TBT instead & have loved it since (despite getting 0 replies on my first ever introduction thread... Lol :p) . I love the collectibles, super friendly & active community ( i have only ever seen like 1 bad apple here), modern style forum layout, & ability for customization here.
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I actually don't remember really. I just remember how much I hated ACC and was looking for a new community that had a better, slicker website that wasn't super clunky and full of ... well. You know what ACC might be full of if you've been there. >_>;
I was googling ACNL stuff and the answer was usually on this forum, so I joined in on the fun.
If I recall, I was just googling acnl questions and all that and I think I stumbled across this site. It seemed really useful so I decided to give it a shot and had a lot of fun here. I was super active for the first few months and eventually left due to my private life, but just a few days ago I came back. Not sure how long I'll stick around this time, but it's nice to come back here haha. The community is generally very friendly and helpful. ^^
I was looking for tutorials... I think it was either for flower growing or something to do with plants. And there was a link to this site, I lurked for a while cause I ended up coming back for some other tutorial and I was like, "I need to just join" cause I wanted more ACNL friends and I thought it was neat you could trade and stuff. When I first joined I hardly used any part of the site besides the ACNL section cause that's why I came, but when I lots interest in the game for a while I found myself coming back for the community. Love a lot of people I've met off here, even the one's I don't directly talk to often, I love reading through the pages and seeing people's opinions and everything. Love all the art and everything. It's just a great site!
I was on some other AC forums but they were super quiet. I'm not sure how exactly I found the belltreeforums but the active userbase brought me to signing up.
I was in an animal crossing groupchat on kik, and somebody in the group was what we considered "rich" on the game. We asked how she got all of her bells, and she told us about this place :)
I was apart of another fan community that was on the same irc server windfyre eons ago and got invited to this forum randomly, though I've mainly just been lurking.
I found a lot of tutorials and nice info on here, and after stalking the forums for a bit I decided to join. :) One of my best choices
I stumbled across it many times googling for sets, but I was always too shy to sign up and be part of the community. I'm glad I joined! I joined now because I believe people who are still playing it now are as dedicated to the game as much as I am, and I really admire that in people.
Found out about it from an ACNL group on Kik! Really great group with really nice admins and members!
Found it ages ago and procrastinated joining up until a ew months ago, very glad I did join
When I bought the game I would search up a lot of questions and it always directed me here. I worked up the courage to join c:
I was watching some animal crossing videos on youtube and came across one with a link to the forums, so decided to check out.
I've been here before. Was around when City Folk (or Let's Go to the City) was still popular, and I was even able to play with Jake before he became a staff member!

No idea what my original account was. Pretty sure it's long gone now. I decided to join again around the time I started playing New Leaf.
When I was super into Wild World, I frequented a place called AXA Forums, where I met a lot of fantastic people, but for some reason, not long after New Leaf had come out, the forum slowed down considerably and it eventually closed down due to lack of funds to keep it running. One of my pals from over there later suggested I check out Bell Tree as an alternative, so here I still am!

I'm actually quite happy with this community~
I've been lurking for years, but I finally joined after seeing how much more active this board is then my other website.
Im pretty sure a youtube video and they were on here It wouldve been REALLY long ago so I wouldnt remember their channel or who it was but Im pretty sure they have an account on here and were posting and stuff otherwise I was advertised it (is it even being advertised?)