How can I make my path still look nice with the dead spots?

Yui Z

Free hugs xoxoxo
Jun 15, 2013
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Waluigi Easter Egg
Red Feather
Red Candy
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
My town is a working progress at the moment and I made a path (which I'm gonna end up picking up after i put up bushes so i can get perfect town... -.-') but the thing that's getting in my way is the dead spots - I only found out today about them xD - most people suggest putting flowers there or patterns but I was wondering what exactly would look best? I need your ideas!!!!

Here's the part with the dead spots...

Thanks :3

EDIT: I should mention that I really am a perfectionist X_X and I do plan on filling the town with hybrid flowers to make it look pretty and I want to add a mini park and an orchard for the trees (so they aren't just scattered anywhere).
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Dig up those bushes on the other end so it's even then put a path going either way...

If that makes sense.
Make the path one tile wider to the left. Then add bushes because there won't be any dead spots...
It's quite peculiar to have three dead spots in a row... According to what I read, dead spots are caused by the "grid" of planted trees/bushes. The game apparently checks the 5x5 and 7x7 grids when it loads a new day. It's easy to get dead spots if clusters of trees/bushes are planted on the same day. A good practice is to plant your bushes one at a time in the same direction, instead of planting a whole row in one go - so plant bush A on day 1, plant bush B next to bush A on day 2, plant bush C next to bush B on day 3, etc. I wish I could link you to the article where the in-depth experiment was carried out, but I couldn't find the link right now.

Contrary to popular belief, bushes are not affected by dead tree spots. (Or maybe it's really a grid problem, not a dead spot problem?) I have personally planted 2 bushes in the exact 2 dead tree spots in my orchards, and they both grew just fine. (someday I might stop being lazy and try to fix the dead tree spots)

Also, patterns on the ground do not affect perfect town status, so you could keep your paths while you work towards that.
Put a lamp post or clock in the space and do the same on the other side, or just the one side, which keeps your boa afloat.
Thanks for all of your ideas x3 I think I might check the PWPs first... I thought about making the path wider but I don't really want it too wide aha

Oh and I thought that paths were classed as garbage because when I went to check the town's rating thing she said there was loads of garbage and I picked all of the weeds :/
OH I think I just realized what the problem with the garbage is xD I'm holding stuff for someone while she resets and it's all over my beach... Oh well i think she's picking up today anyway
Hmm... You could dig up the bushes on the other sides, or even better, have a water path (most advised to create a side account for this!) :)
I agree with the thought of making it one tile wider. That way it will allign nicely with the door of the building and you got rid of your deadspot problem.

Otherwise remove the same bushes on other side and put a pwp in the pathway middle part? The streetlight thing is also a good idea,
Dig up some of the bushes and plant then two at a time from north to south or from south to north. If it helps, draw a grid of the problem area and devise a way to plant the bushes that avoids any one bush having more than 14-15 other bushes within a 7x7 radius of it while it's in it's sprout stage. once it grows bigger it's safe. That's how I managed to do my dense hedge maze.