How big is your tree?

May 31, 2014
I wasn't sure if I should post this on AC Discussion or here, but since this is specifically AC:NL I decided to put it here. This is optional, but if you want you can post pictures of your tree with when you started your town!

I wanted to know how big people's trees are because since I here a lot of people restarting/I've been meeting a lot of people who just bought the game the past few months, I want to know how big their tree is. I also want to know who has had their town from the start and has been playing almost everyday, and who has their tree fully grown.

This is mine:
View attachment 51028
It's at 180 days 180 (I'm pretty sure.)
I started this town on June 14th 2013
(I really started it around November 2013 but I restarted and wanted to put it on the day I got the game)
Mine is 100 days and 100 hours. It just grew a few days ago, hard to believe I've had my town that long. It looks so nice now :)
Mine is the stage right before you can sit on the brick thingy. I reset my town on April 24th (I think) so my town is still pretty new. In my old town, my tree was at the stage before it had the vine things growing up it.
I just took this, this is my tree now
Mine grew to this size for a total of 2 days, and then went up another size when the summer foliage caught up.


It looked better when it was like this though, in my opinion.
With the bigger tree the leaves go higher up and most of it is out of sight when you sit down.
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It's the biggest it can get. I think I cheated a little because when I did the TT trick to move out villagers it counted those two days forwards and backwards towards my total day count.
Mine is quite big! I think it's nearly full grown? Maybe one stage behind because there was a time while I was in school I never played from like August to February oops. :<
Mine grew to this size for a total of 2 days, and then went up another size when the summer foliage caught up.


It looked better when it was like this though, in my opinion.
With the bigger tree the leaves go higher up and most of it is out of sight when you sit down.

Also that's just what the largest tree looks like during the Spring. It'll look that way again in under a year :)