Hello, Fitolink here.


A darle átomos!
Aug 12, 2016
Hello, I'm Fitolink, and I'm new. Ok, there goes the awkward part.

I'm from Mexico, my favorite game series is the legend of Zelda, but I also like, Metroid, Mario, Donkey Kong, Earthbound and some other franchises from Nintendo, obviously, Animal Crossing included.

Animal Crossing New Leaf is my first entry to the series, and I just started the game a few months ago, but oh hell, is addictive.

So I'm pretty much new in everything, not just here in the forums. I'm still learning a lot of stuffs, and it is a very interesting game full of surprises.

My favorite animal villagers are the wolves, since is my favorite animal IRL, I also like tigers and cats. I have currently 5 wolves, 2 tigers, 1 cat, 1 octopus, and 1 ostrich. I got most of my wolves with the resset trick, and my favorite until now is Wolfgang, definitely a cool guy.

Oh yeah my Town's name is Moonside. I'll post my friend code on my signature later. So feel free to add me when is done. I'll try to add everyone I can when I see a friend code on a signature.

So that is it, sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time of reading a little about me. See you arround on the treads.

:) :) :) :) :) :cool: