Hangout owo


pfp credit - soupyam on ig
May 9, 2016
100% (52) +
Hiya, Jailynn here!
I am currently looking for some more friends, if anyone would like to hangout!
My fc is in sidebar, and I have 3 very new towns!
Comment if you'd like to hangout! Maybe even pm me :)
Absolutely, I'm always looking for new people. Feel free to stop by my town too, I have all the normal fruit plus perfect peaches and I'm also growing perfect cherries!
i'd like to hangout sometime! if you're still up for it! :)
my town is called Bluebell, my mayor's name is Cake, and the native fruit is peaches!
Sure, how do I join? I'm sorta new to playing online.

So you add the other person's friend code(or FC for short) in your friend list on your 3DS/2DS, in this case the person's FC is 4914-8786-7933. Then, when they're on and you know their gates are open, you go to the train station, talk to Porter, and select Faraway Towns. Their town will appear on a list, just choose the town you wanna go to and you'll arrive there! When you want to go back, talk to the Porter in the person's town and select the proper answer :)