Guess who's back?


The Director
Dec 12, 2013
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Hey guys, it's been a while!

Most of you probably don't know who I am, but for those of you who do, hello! Ever since Christmas I was bombarded with a ton of gifts and games (Portal 2, Mario 3D World, A link Between Worlds, etc.) and I slowly drifted away from New Leaf. Well, I decided to pop the lil' cartridge back into my slowly dying 3DS ([The lil' guy's been with me for two years and he's slowly starting to test my patience with his lack of charging when I want him to charge). I looked at my town and realized I lot has changed over the month.

The town's covered in weeds, and my two of my original villagers (Mallary and Pekoe) have decided to move out. Well, this taught me a valuable lesson. Don't ignore your town in Animal Crossing. So I'm back, cleaning up my town, and I'm going to be more active on this forum again.
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It feels like I'm reading a text from an old RPG.

Don't know you, but welcome back, though!