Giveaway Giving back! (WINNERS ANNOUNCED)

Ace Marvel

Merry & Happy
Apr 23, 2014
Red Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Rainbow Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
Purple Star Fragment
Celeste Chick Plush
White Star Fragment
Mom's Plush
100% (306) +

Hello everyone! I'm doing this giveaway to thank everyone that helped me complete my catalogue! Honestly I couldn't do it with out your help! Thank you!
For this give away I will be doing 3 prizes, different in nature so to give everyone the better odds of getting what they want, I will let you decide which raffles you enter, you can still participate for the 3 prizes though. Here are all the prizes you can get, hope you like them.

Feel free to PM if you have any questions. And again thank you for being an awesome community. :)

So sorry for the delay, life got in the way.

The winners are
@Katya01 for Loan Free
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@punctuallyAbsent for New Friend
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@mayorsam17 for Order That
View attachment 315530

Congratulations to the winners and thank you so much everyone that joined this. :)

As a bonus this 3 post will get 500k , 10 NMT and 5 items from the catalogue

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6 million bells to fully upgrade a house


40 items (full inventory) from the catalogue of your choice
@fennekins kindly added posters, so now you may select those too! Thank you very much!


100 NMT to find that one villager
  • How to participate?
You will simply have to fill the following form before September 5th 6:00 P.M. Fair Time (Eastern)
EDIT: I will update the spreadsheet with your entries. If I like your post, it means your entry is in.

IG Name:
What raffles would like to enter?:
Who is your favorite villager?:

  • Rules
  1. The winners will be chosen using a RNG (random number generator) and the same person can win multiple raffles​
  2. Only one entry per user, you still can join all 3 raffles once​
  3. This SPREADSHEET will have all the entries, if you don't see you name let me know, but please give me a little time to update it.​
  4. You may comment as much as you want​
  5. Prizes do not have an expiration day, although you need to confirm before two weeks 2 weeks after winning that you want the prize, if not I will generate another winner. (This is mainly because members can leave the forum, and I don't want the prizes to be voided)​
  6. My timezone is CDT (central daytime -5)​
  7. All forum rules apply​
  8. Post you favorite way to eat potatoes in your entry so I know you read the rules​
  9. The prizes may be used in any way you want, for example the bells don't need to go to your house, it is just flavor for the raffle​

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Such a lovely thing to do. So kind of you especially as you also do wonderful art (Tysm again for sig 😍)
Do we post in this thread to enter? gotcha ;)
I loooove me some french fries (especially with country gravy or ranch)
IG Name: Roxie
ISLAND: Avalar
What raffles would like to enter?: all three!
Who is your favorite villager?: Such a hard question, currently Tangy? But Judy, Punchy, Julian, and Kyle are all top contenders. :)
this is so kind of you, ace!! i think my favourite way to eat potatoes is through french fries but highkey,, you can’t go wrong with potatoes at all :p

IG Name: xara
ISLAND: axolotl
What raffles would like to enter?: loan free <3
Who is your favorite villager?: god i have so many but uh,, my main ones rn are beau or skye c’: but bow would definitely be my favourite, though, if nintendo wasn’t a coward 😤😔
Thank you so much for this! So generous! Here's my entry:

IG Name: Karnitas
ISLAND: Westworld
What raffles would like to enter?: all three, please
Who is your favorite villager?: So tough to pick! Marshal's my boy, but Dom is so funny!

I love mashed potatoes.
wow thank you for doing this! this is why the AC community can be so great, everyone gives back 🥰 congrats on your catalog!!! omg I almost forgot about the potatoes, how could I forget about potatoes?? they’re amazing in every form but I think I have to go with fries *_*

IG Name: Sunny
ISLAND: Glowport
What raffles would like to enter?: Loan Free & Order That
Who is your favorite villager?: Mira 🐰⭐✨
wow thank you for doing this! this is why the AC community can be so great, everyone gives back 🥰 congrats on your catalog!!!

IG Name: Sunny
ISLAND: Glowport
What raffles would like to enter?: Loan Free & Order That
Who is your favorite villager?: Mira 🐰⭐✨
Almost there, you are missing one of the rules, but don't worry you can edit it. :)
this is super nice of you ^^

IG Name: candor
ISLAND: hope haven
What raffles would like to enter?: all please!
Who is your favorite villager?: kabuki and leopold please don't make me choose between my sons

curly fries are life tbh
hi, I’d love to enter!! tysm for doing this 😊

IG Name: Josie
ISLAND: Lilac Cove
What raffles would like to enter?: Loan Free, Order That
Who is your favorite villager?: Benjamin!! I had him in new leaf and got attached ;v;

baked potatoes do hit different doe 😳
You’re so generous! Thanks for doing this!

IG Name: Cassandra
What raffles would like to enter?: Order That
Who is your favorite villager?: Buck. He’s my og jock and he is never allowed to leave.

I love to eat my potatoes in French fry form!
IG Name:Matty
What raffles would like to enter?:Order That and New Friend
Who is your favorite villager?: Sterling the knight eagle, of course!
I love broiled potatoes with cheese :3
Thank you so much for doing this giveaway 💖

IG Name: Bree
ISLAND: Ravnur
What raffles would like to enter?: Order That and New Friend
Who is your favorite villager?: Skye

I love potatoes in almost every way you can cook them but my faves are french fries and potato salad (now I'm hungry 🤤)
This is so awesome!!! I have horrible luck in raffles but here to trying!! I Love bakes potatoes!! Fully loaded!

What raffles would like to enter?: ALL 3 please
Who is your favorite villager?: kid cat! I just think his super cute!
This is so lovely! I’m relatively new to the forum and people are so generous and helpful - love it! Got to be sweet potato fries!!

IG Name: Kirsty
ISLAND: Iti Motu
What raffles would like to enter?: all three please
Who is your favourite villager?: Sprocket or Pate ❤️❤️
IG Name: Skandranon
What raffles would like to enter?: 2nd raffle
Who is your favorite villager?: Audie

Edit: burned to a crisp so the moment u touch them they crumble into a pile of dust and blow away from the wind
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IG Name: Lee
Island Name: Leisure
What Raffles to enter: Order That and New Friend
Favorite Villager: That's a tough one... Hopkins jumps to mind, but I also really like Pango and Whitney. Though I may change my mind if Kid Katt ever joins my island.

I'm a mashed potato guy all the way, but I'll take my potatoes in any form you give them to me.
IG Name: Fox
ISLAND: Woxton
What raffles would like to enter?: all 3!
Who is your favorite villager?: only 1? I like Antonio, Julia, Lopez, and Flurry.

Mashed potatoes, loaded baked potatoes, any way potatoes!

Thanks and congrats on the catalog!