Give your opinion of the above user.

Your commitment to this site is admirable. Most people come and go but you've stayed so active for all these years it's honestly impressive
don't recognize you at all but to my surprise you've been here since 2015!!!!! making me think i haven't been checking the forum enough in the past year. my opinion is YOU NEED A ICON and going off your posts i think you're a chillaxed person
The change of tone in your recent posts hasn't gone unnoticed. It's wonderful that you appear to be settling more into the community.
You genuinely seem like a cool person to be around. I really like your hair from the pictures you post.
you're a very memorable user on the forum! i think it helps that you have a "brand" (croconaw). i'm not saying we WOULDN'T get along now, but i think we could have been friends when we were younger!
You always seem really cool and very kind. I love seeing the creative cheers you have been submitting (the froggy nails were so good 😩 ). Also, your island rep is iconic
You've stood out to me since I first learned you're also a Final Fantasy fan! Until you asked a question relative to it in Ask the Staff I don't think I'd ever noticed you before. Always a pleasure chatting with you during the TBTWC streams!
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Such a lovely caring person. Fab Mod and great fun to chat to 😊
A super kind person that’s friendliness always makes me feel welcome!