Give your opinion of the above user.

the greatest of usernames
and anyone who likes kabuki and eugene is totes chill in my book
don't know much about you other than you must really like splatoon, but you seem nice~
Really nice and chill dude who's always nice to see around the forums, even if it's less than late summer
Can't compete with that aesthetic of yours. It's too fresh :p
a true bean through and through
oh wait you're older than me - does that even apply
I'm just gonna let you on in a secret:

Its super hard to change my aesthetic every time.

  • I have to be super picky on the art I see,
  • Then I have to literally cut out the parts I like the most
  • Resize it on ezgif (seems more convenient)
  • Then post it on Imgur
  • And that's for every single image you see right here.
  • Here is the original for both the Callie and Marie sprite? (If thats how you call I).


- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh, before I get off topic... Keep at it with that motherly obsession of yours with Marshal, its cute :)
I think that you are really cool! Sorry for the whole me over-dramatizing, I feel so bad about it! I love how creative you are with most of your posts, and how much you dedicate into your signature and your avatar! Anyway, sorry for the whole me freaking out on you! I think you are pretty cool!