General Discussion

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Aside from icees/slurpees, I can't remember the last time I actually bought snacks at the movies. My friends and I just sneak food inside of giant purses. :U Sometimes I get nostalgic for movie theater nachos, but I could just make cheap nachos of little effort in the comfort of my own home... and then sneak them in via a giant purse. :rolleyes:
Does anyone else every wander on over to ACC to be entertained by the drama and immaturity on that site?
Does anyone else every wander on over to ACC to be entertained by the drama and immaturity on that site?

I've lurked around there once in a while, and I haven't seen immaturity. I mean, you can tell there are kids on there, but not that bad. Do you have same examples you wouldn't mind telling me? :3
I've lurked around there once in a while, and I haven't seen immaturity. I mean, you can tell there are kids on there, but not that bad. Do you have same examples you wouldn't mind telling me? :3

Not so far today. I'll link it if I find some lol.

I heard a few other people saying there is a ton of drama and immature arguments going on there.
I hear a lot about the mods being immature over there. Which if its true, that's pretty sad... >_> Mods are supposed to be the more mature ones. Lawl.
I hear a lot about the mods being immature over there. Which if its true, that's pretty sad... >_> Mods are supposed to be the more mature ones. Lawl.

It's not really just that they're immature, it's just that they don't know how to do their jobs most of the time. When I was reading posts over there, it took me like two months to realize who the mods were and I was shocked because I read some of there posts and just...yeah not good behavior.
When I was active, I was reporting some town tunes and patterns, and I did this a lot. They were spam, and I was following the rules. I was literally told by the admin "iolite" to stop because it created too much work.

I was reported multiple times for saying "omg".

Their mods are very immature.
Does anyone else REALLY want to know what they are saying in the other language threads?

Every time it pops up in "New posts" I go to click on it and then I'm like "aw.....I can't read that"
Ah, actually ACC was the first forum I signed up to quite a while ago. ^^" Back then it was a pretty good place and it was far better (this was when AC:WW was being released so I actually made lots of friends on there in which I played Wild World with), but every time I revisit that place, I realize how quickly boring it gets and how... Well... Annoying the users can be. I mean it is really a forum for younger kids but I dunno, I mean it is just a bit immature on there anyway so I can't really find a good place to have a conversation with anyone on that site. Plus it restricts you of so many things like... Adding your own icon and stuff like that... I mean... Yeah. Sometimes it's just things like that that kinda annoy me too. D; Some of the mods are very immature, as you've all said... But yeah, I prefer this place a lot more to be honest. c:
I really only signed up at ACC because I met a few folks via Wild World who had accounts there.

Don't think I ever even posted in a public thread, come to think of it.
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