Game Speak


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2015
Hi I was wondering if anyone would be willing to translate the game speak.

I keep seeing things like clear voids?

What are voids how do you clear them..

The void is the place that stores up to three of your villagers that moved out of your town. When you visit another town or streetpass someone, one of these villagers can randomly move into the other town.. The void is deleted when you visit someone (no idea if this works with streetpass as well), so the best way to avoid unwanted movers is to visit a town that has 10 villagers already.
Some people will only have 9 villagers in their town. When that is the case then when you wifi or streetpass someone you have a chance to get their villager - if the villager wasn't adopted when they were in boxes.

For example. Molly pings me to move out. I say yes. She goes into boxes. I put her up for adoption and get no takers. The next day, Molly and her house is gone - she has gone to my void.

If I then wifi/streetpass Person A who has 9 villagers or less in the next few days there is the possibility that they can randomly have Molly move in. Because some people are saving spaces for their dreamies, this isn't always welcomed.

However, if before I wifi or streetpass with Person A, I go and visit Person B's town who has 10 villagers, my "void" is now cleared. Molly ceases to exist and then I can wifi with Person A without them worrying about having a random move in.
What they've said. Also, my void tends to clear automatically after 5 or 6 days, even if I haven't SP'ed anyone... I dunno about anyone else though.
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Seems Manah, Tash and Echo have beat me to it! We all had to learn about The Void, lol. But yes, it is just considerate to always clear your void before visiting another players town. I have gotten some pretty interesting move-in's from the void. On the bright side, I also once received a brand spanking new Diana from someone's void! And when I lost Stitches, he turned up in my daughter's town a day or two later. That was awesome!