Final Fantasy vs Kingdom Hearts


Senior Member
May 12, 2017
Which one of the two is your favorite series, if you enjoy either of the two? I personally have a special place in my heart for both of them, seeing as to how most Final Fantasy games kind of have a different story per each game and each one always hits me emotionally in some way, and then, with Kingdom Hearts, I've been playing all the games since I was a little kid and so the story just really stuck with me while growing up (along with the story, although being filled with plot holes and a huge cluster of different things, is one single story).

However, of the two, I would probably say that Kingdom Hearts is most likely my favorite, seeing as to how it's kinda changed the way that I see things in life since I was a little kid, and I'm like always willing to replay all of the games to experience different parts of the story over and over again. How about you? If you don't like either of the two, then what game series do you prefer the most and why?
I've only played Final Fantasy, but I really do want to try out Kingdom Hearts. The two are very similar.