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Final Fantasy General Discussion


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Oct 19, 2014
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I'm rather surprise that there isn't a thread like this and if there is a thread pertaining to this then Mods, feel free to close this one.

Feel free to talk about any Final Fantasy game here.

What are thoughts/feelings about the new Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy XV?

Does it look like a day one buy for you?

Anything about it that you really like or dislike?

Here's the trailer from the 2013 Sony Press Conference for reference;

and also a little of gameplay;

Type-O and XV are both Day 1 buys for me, collector's editions if available.

I always get the collector's editions for every Final Fantasy title released on day 1 if I can.
I've done so since Final Fantasy I xD

Actually, I tend to get any Square Enix RPG on Day 1/Collector's Edition.
Type-O and XV are both Day 1 buys for me, collector's editions if available.

I always get the collector's editions for every Final Fantasy title released on day 1 if I can.
I've done so since Final Fantasy I xD

Actually, I tend to get any Square Enix RPG on Day 1/Collector's Edition.

I try to get them as well, but usually my local game store runs out of them, and people charge a fortune for the collector's edition or limited edition online. *sigh*

I really like the looks of Final Fantasy XV so far. The graphics are incredible, and the gameplay looks very good.

I just hope the characters will actually be interesting and not totally lackluster like some of the series has had.

Type 0 to me looks interesting. It definitely seems to be worth playing.
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What are thoughts/feelings about the new Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy XV?

I'm going to sound so casual but I only played through halfway through 4 and 6 and I... I beat all of FFXIII, FFXIII-2 and LR:FFXIII

I really enjoyed the XIII series - although people hate it, and looking back at older games, I can understand why. I can't pick a favourite out of them but it'd have to be FFXIII or Lightning Returns. I've been planning to replay Lightning Returns over and over but my XBOX has been broke for over half a year and it bothers me so much. I already did a full playthrough but I wanted to 100% it and get the full 100 Hour experience. Plus the series is somehow nostalgic and the games personally make me cry (from happiness and sadness lmao) so I suppose I should finish off FFVI
I'm going to sound so casual but I only played through halfway through 4 and 6 and I... I beat all of FFXIII, FFXIII-2 and LR:FFXIII

I really enjoyed the XIII series - although people hate it, and looking back at older games, I can understand why. I can't pick a favourite out of them but it'd have to be FFXIII or Lightning Returns. I've been planning to replay Lightning Returns over and over but my XBOX has been broke for over half a year and it bothers me so much. I already did a full playthrough but I wanted to 100% it and get the full 100 Hour experience. Plus the series is somehow nostalgic and the games personally make me cry (from happiness and sadness lmao) so I suppose I should finish off FFVI

I absolutely loved Final Fantasy IV and VI. They are actually the only 2 Final Fantasies games that I have actually completed.
I think that VI is definitely my favorite RPG game.

I would definitely recommend finishing off VI. A lot of people seemed to get turned off after the World of Ruin, but for me it really enhanced the feel to the game and more so the desire to finally beat the antagonist.

I am actually currently playing through Final Fantasy XIII. I have to say, I was a little skeptical about playing it at first (looking at all the paradigms kinda of confused me), but I really really have been enjoying it.

The graphics are absolutely amazing, and the music is great.
The characters are OK, but it's too early for me to give a final verdict on that.
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Anyone remembers Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest? I used to play that game back then but once I 100% that game, I moved on to the other Final Fantasy games.
The Final Fantasy series is easily my favorite series of video games ever. Admittedly, my first Final Fantasy was VII, as it was the first one to come out after I was born. (Actually VI was, but I was only a month old when that happened xD) I would play VII with my older brother and I instantly fell in love! It became a tradition for me to either play with him or watch him play the games whenever he got home from school since I got home earlier than him.

Anyways! Personal stories aside, I think FFXV looks absolutely gorgeous and well worth the wait. I really wish I had a system to be able to play it on, because the last game I've been able to own myself was FFXII (Had to borrow my friend's 360 to play XIII). I'll want to get the soundtrack for it too, because Final Fantasy music is always top notch for me.

Question though: What are everyone's favorite FFs? Mine's X. :D
Type-O and XV are both Day 1 buys for me, collector's editions if available.

I always get the collector's editions for every Final Fantasy title released on day 1 if I can.
I've done so since Final Fantasy I xD

Actually, I tend to get any Square Enix RPG on Day 1/Collector's Edition.

Same for me, bro. I've liked every final fantasy game i've played (yes even the XIII series) so even if the critics disliked the games, i'll probably like them anyway cause Square Enix produces masterful games
Same for me, bro. I've liked every final fantasy game i've played (yes even the XIII series) so even if the critics disliked the games, i'll probably like them anyway cause Square Enix produces masterful games

You say that like the XIII trilogy was bad. On the contrary, it was quite awesome.

I just published a guide for breeding a Gold Chocobo in FF7 without racing! Take a look, like, favorite, etc. It'd help me out a lot!
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If I had to choose a favorite it'd be X for the design, concepts, and music. I like some of the others too. Six has great characters, seven has my favorite death in gaming, nine was just a fun game, twelve has a world bigger than an MMORPG and great voice acting and my favorite depiction of poverty & war in the fantasy genre.
You say that like the XIII trilogy was bad. On the contrary, it was quite awesome.

I-I-... I'm not alone. I get the critique about the first game being linear but the Archytle Steppe makes up for it IMO. The game has a lot of open ended content after defeating the final boss.

I do love the Lightning Returns battle system.. I'm guilty.
I'll end up getting it on day one simply because it's Final Fantasy. As for if I'm looking forward to it, I'm on the fence. I wasn't a fan of the XIII series at all and have kind of distanced myself from the franchise since it seemed to be going in a direction I wasn't fond of. From what I've seen of XV so far though, the combat looks more 'Kingdom Hearts' than traditional Final Fantasy, so at the very least, the combat will be more enjoyable. I'm skeptical of whether I'll enjoy the story though.

I'm just hoping for something as good as X, IX or VI.
I don't keep up with any of the new Final Fantasy games. Can't really afford any new systems to even play them on regardless if I was interested. My first Final Fantasy was X. Gameplay was tedious and boring at times. Characters annoying, save for Auron. Battle system was the most fun, but the monsters sucked. Proceeded then to play FFVII- FFIX. FFVII isn't as great as everyone remembers it, but it's got this really simplistic, nostalgic fun to it. FF8 I don't remember much of, weirdly enough, I remember the plot getting really strangely complex though? Maybe it just seemed that way to little me. I haven't played it since. IX I never got very far through. It's certainly a cute game and probably the most appealing LOOKING, but I never really got into it, so I can't say I have much of an opinion on it.
I don't keep up with recent FF games, either...mostly because I don't have a system to play it on (my last playstation was a PS2, and I don't have a PSP or whatever else they've come out with after that).

I have played and beaten Tactics, Tactics Advance, IV, V, VI, VII, IX, and X.
I stopped playing VIII on disk 3 because I got bored of it.
Tried XII, and didn't get past the first town because the town itself had a weird layout that caused me to get lost, the story bored me, the characters felt flat, and I really hated what they did to the combat system.

But, considering that the original creator of the FF series stopped his work at FFX, I'm not too surprised that later games don't have the same "magic" as earlier games.

Final Fantasy IX is my absolute favorite out of the entire series, and VII was my favorite before that. My brother and I even worked together to defeat the US-exclusive Weapons (Emerald and Ruby).

The online game isn't too bad (FFXIV: ARR), but it's too much grinding for my taste; I never want to see the Un'Goro Mines ever again, and my healer has atma grinding to do. Also, now that rogue/ninja is out, I hear dungeon ques for dps (previously a 20-30+ minute wait) are hitting 1-2+ hours (my main is a white mage, but trying to level a dps class will be tough).

Obviously, I don't plan on getting XV; besides that I don't have the platform to play it on, I'm just not interested. I'd rather replay VII or IX.
...or finish Bravely Default. I should really do that. >.>;;
The online game isn't too bad (FFXIV: ARR), but it's too much grinding for my taste;

XIV is NOTHING compared to XI's grinding.

In XIV you can just grind FATEs for a day or so and reach lv50 very very quickly, I've seen people go 1-50 in less than 6 hours, even.

In XI, before Abyssea you'd sit with your party flag up for HOURS and hope to get an invite to EXP. When you finally got one and got to camp, the party would disband >< Ahhh, those were the days. Now, it's really easy, but it still takes time. Much less time than before, but still.