Favorite hourly themes?

What is your favorite hourly theme?

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1am is my ultimate favourite, but I also like 4am, 9am and 8pm! :blush:
1am is so beautiful, I love it so much!
1am and 7pm are my absolute favourites, but i also really like 7am (and whistling along hehehe), 11am, 5pm, 8pm and 11pm
4am is my favourite. 11pm is really nice too :3
I hate 5am though, its just too repetitive idk
8am is really jazzy. 6am makes me think of all of my buddies waking up, though. And turnips.
Off the top of my head 8pm. It's so nostalgic?
I like 6am, 7am, 7pm, 9pm, and 10pm as well.
off the top of my head, 1 am and 4 am are both lovely! unfortunately i'm usually working then and can't hear them... i know there's one in the evening i really love, but i can't remember which one it is. :/
5pm is my favorite, it reminds me the ACGC soundtrack with the bossa nova drums :)
I also really enjoy 8 am, perfect to start a new day!
Seems like 1am is getting the top vote. Its really a nice theme. :)
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