Pokémon Favorite Eeveelution?

Used to be Leafeon until Sylveon was a thing.
I love Sylveon so much! ^-^
Jolteon! And also Sylveon... but it's kind of a pain to draw with all those ribbons all over the place.
I love Eevee the best. Just plain Eevee. C: But for its Eeveelutions, Vaporeon will always be the best to me. C:
Sylveon. I love the shiny version a lot. And I never evolved one because it requires making faces in Pokemon Amie. And i'm too embarrassed to do so.
Sylveon and Espeon are my absolute favorite eeveelutions. ^~^ I used to be really obsessed with Espeon (having them on my team in every game I had) until Sylveon came out and now I'm just obsessed with both of them lol.
s y l v e o n

Just... I just love the design and the little flesh bows and the colors (esp. the shiny version, even if it's just kind of a switch up) and I love having a sylveon on my team. Enough said.

EEVEE would be right next to it if y'know, it was an evolution.

Right up there are glaceon and leafeon tho. I just really like the color blue and ice types and the overall design of glaceon, and I love leafeon's... leafy tail and ears. I know, I like too many. I like vaporeon and flareon a lot too but not as much.
Nice tie between Espeon and Glaceon. Espeon because I love her simplicity and Glaceon because I had her on my team once.
There should be 1 evee for every type imo.