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Everything there is to know about AC Wii

Propaganda Man

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005

I don't know why I decided to do this... maybe it was to please BULERIAS and stop him from saying that I am letting my totally awesome ninja typing article powers go to waste! (He didn't actually say that but if I didn't do this he [strike]would[/strike] might have). I also chose a game that isn't talked about a lot for two main reasons.

Reason 1:
The less people know the less of a chance they can prove me wrong


Reason 2:
Because no one else will


Now the comic relief (...or my attempt at it....) is over! Enjoy my article.

PS: This was made for NSider. This was also posted here to gain attention becuase anywhere else it doesn't.


The game, Animal Crossing, is a simulation where one lives his/her own virtual life in real time. As each gaming generation has gone on, it has become increasingly and internationally popular, sold, and modified to fit the current generation of the gaming consoles.
Table of Contents
  • Whats new?
  • How does the Online world and Animal Crossing Wii work together?
  • Theories
  • Should I get this game?
  • Miscellaneous
  • Last Words
Whats new?

Unfortunately, not much, if anything, has been released on Animal Crossing Wii. However, IGN reported that series director Katsuya Eguchi lectured, "about the focus on delivering the right software for the hardware, illustrating how popular games such as Nintendogs, Metroid Prime Hunters, Animal Crossing and Brain Training used the many aspects of DS each in their own way. The Revolution quote may not be much, but it is a look into the philosophy of design."

To get a better idea of what Katsuya Eguchi was talking about I asked my friend BULERIAS some questions:

Q:How have popular games such as Nintendogs, Metroid Prime Hunters, Animal Crossing and Brain Training used the many aspects of DS each in their own way?

A:Going with each game individually, Nintendogs practically used the DS's capabilities to the maximum. Microphone, touch screen, great graphics... Metroid Prime Hunters is the online game standout, with tons of options. Animal Crossing appeals to non-gamers, not sure how it used the aspects of the DS more so than other games, and Brain Age also attempted to maximize the DS's capabilities.

Q:How have popular Wii games uses the many aspects of the Wii in their own way?

A:They haven't. Pure and simple. At least not yet. Developers are still experimenting with the Wii's controller, so we're not seeing anything special just yet.

So everything right now is just speculation.
How does the Online world and Animal Crossing Wii work together?

Much like Animal Crossing: Wild World for the DS, Animal Crossing Wii will use wifi allowing friends can go to travel to their friends towns friends towns. To get there, I have been told, that one still has to go through the gate guarded by Booker and Copper. Unlike the DS, the Wii being a console and all, we can do much more than the DS with online features. Katsuya Eguchi thankfully realizes this a great deal. On the topic of mail be sent through the internet, Katsuya Eguchi said, "someone could send a letter from their cellphone or from an email address on a PC to the Wii, and then the player living in the town in Animal Crossing could receive that letter." By having letters be distributed without having to go into a town, trading, giving, and revcieving presents can be done without actually leaving your town. This theory has not been confirmed but all the evidence points to its favor..


Katsuya Eguchi will also take advantage of the WiiConnect24 feature by allowing your Animal Crossing Wii friends go to your town and leave a message when you aren't playing. What else they could do has not been said. I don't think there will be many restrictions to the friend, besides going in your house. So worrying about him/her chopping down your trees is a bit silly

;) I mean, they are your friend right


Designs for Furniture

On AnimalCrossingWii.com (Not the official site) it is said that Katsuya Eguchi and his workers have brought up the idea of furniture being able to have custom made patterns put on along with carpets, shirts, umbrellas, shirts, etc. Katsuya Eguchi said, "I think it's a great idea. Of course, if you made your own furniture, you'd want to share it with others, to be able to give and receive hand-made stuff. Otherwise why would you make it? To be able to do that, you have to build in some place to keep that in the memory. The save data would be pretty huge, then. That's a challenge I'd like to face, though."



This was a very popular idea in the Crossing Guardian around the announcement of Animal Crossing Wild Word for the DS. The City would be a place where fellow gamers chat and hang out. The server that hosts this would of course be Nintendo. This theory is not that hot right now but that is all for the better in my opinion. Visiting your friends would be hard when they are off in the city to chat and a message in your mail from a friend will be under appreciated.


This is not so much a theory but more of an idea. Basically, there would be caves where one would dig for fossils or just explore, maybe even visit Mr. Resetti



(That is....if you want to meet him)

Once again another idea where added on to your house is a balcony.

DS and the Wii together

If you remember in Animal Crossing, there was an Island called Animal Island that one connects to using a Game Boy Color Advanced along with their Animal Crossing game. Eguchi hopes, "with the DS we'll do something similar between the DS and Wii." This is practically a given though.
Should I get this game?

Right now, it would be unfair to anyone for me to say whether this is worth getting. If you are an Animal Crossing fan than don't let me stop you. If you aren't then I would wait a while before making a decision because there is not enough information out to say. Sites such as IGN.com, AnimalCrossingWii.com, and my personal favorite The Bell Tree will keep you updated on information when ever its released.

Fan Made Box Art:



Last Words

I just wanted to first thank everyone for taking your time to read my article let alone my post. Feel free to correct me, criticize me, and add any theories you want.

Before I forget, BULERIAS, thank you for not letting my totally awesome ninja typing article powers go to waste!

Also...If you really like this please say in your post, "Thank you BAMBAM! may I have another?"
Once again thanks for reading

The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking the only new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking all the new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
I was also worrying about how fishing would be done. If the screen had a fixed position then how could you fish up, left, right, and down with it still recognizing when you want to pull it up?
Propaganda Man said:
The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking all the new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
I was also worrying about how fishing would be done. If the screen had a fixed position then how could you fish up, left, right, and down with it still recognizing when you want to pull it up?
There's always the nunchuck.
I just hope its better then ACWW...

And we should be able to go into Resetti's house, and nook's shop in the middle of the night...
I just hope its better then ACWW...

And we should be able to go into Resetti's house, and nook's shop in the middle of the night...
I think going into Resetti's house is actually possible since it was in the last console AC game.

but I dont know if I'd want to have Nook's open all the time :0
I just hope its better then ACWW...

And we should be able to go into Resetti's house, and nook's shop in the middle of the night...
I think going into Resetti's house is actually possible since it was in the last console AC game.

but I dont know if I'd want to have Nook's open all the time :0
Couldn't you like, get nook to come out of his shop in the middle of the night or something in the Japanese version? I might be thinking of something else though

Propaganda Man said:
The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking all the new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
I was also worrying about how fishing would be done. If the screen had a fixed position then how could you fish up, left, right, and down with it still recognizing when you want to pull it up?
You need to play the fishing game in Wii Play.
ZERO_13 said:
Propaganda Man said:
The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking all the new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
I was also worrying about how fishing would be done. If the screen had a fixed position then how could you fish up, left, right, and down with it still recognizing when you want to pull it up?
You need to play the fishing game in Wii Play.
I would if I had a Wii.

Before you ask why I did this if I don't have a Wii...

I plan to get it when this comes out and for the thrill.
Propaganda Man said:
ZERO_13 said:
Propaganda Man said:
The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking all the new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
I was also worrying about how fishing would be done. If the screen had a fixed position then how could you fish up, left, right, and down with it still recognizing when you want to pull it up?
You need to play the fishing game in Wii Play.
I would if I had a Wii.

Before you ask why I did this if I don't have a Wii...

I plan to get it when this comes out and for the thrill.
Here's a video on how stuff work there:

ZERO_13 said:
Propaganda Man said:
ZERO_13 said:
Propaganda Man said:
The only thing I'm really hoping right now is that they aren't thinking all the new things they need has to do with Wii controls. But I doubt they would make the game as similar as ACWW was to AGCN... hopefully :0
I was also worrying about how fishing would be done. If the screen had a fixed position then how could you fish up, left, right, and down with it still recognizing when you want to pull it up?
You need to play the fishing game in Wii Play.
I would if I had a Wii.

Before you ask why I did this if I don't have a Wii...

I plan to get it when this comes out and for the thrill.
Here's a video on how stuff work there:

That wouldn't work as well if they keep the camera as they did in AC:WW
I'm not really worried about it working with the Wii. I'm sure that part wil be ok.
I like the idea of the DS and the Wii, but perhaps when you go to the island, you could go to your AC:WW town too. Get exclusive items from that game and bring it to your Wii version. The island would be a center of transport between the two.

The box art covers look nice too.