Giveaway ❀-♥` End Of The Summer Giveaway! `♥-❀ Exclusive Items + Huge Prize!

I hope I didn't post too early in this giveaway !
this is a greyat idea and I hope this lame entry doesn't make you tear up ; U ;
Could you enter me please? :D I've tried Earl Grey tea before and it was quite an unusual flavour compared to normal tea, but it was quite nice!
I'd love to enter!
Earl grey tea... Yet another thing I love about the UK :)
Thanks :D
Thanks for the giveaway! Earl Grey is not my favorite, but I love most hot tea ^_^
Oh darn, I literally just missed the deadline by 2 hours. Poo. Good luck to everyone who entered though! <3 Very nice of you to do this.
Well, I'm not the type of person who likes tea, but my favourite is Earl Grey. This is super nice! Thanks!
I would like to enter please and thank you for hosting this give away. *serves you a cup of earl grey tea with some cookies*