Europe Ebony's Trading Post - looking for WA cards


You have 7 cards i need :p
(031 - 051 - 117 - 120 - 157 - 178 - 280)

I can only trade 095 - Peanut for it.. You dont have him yet!

don't think you'll agree to that lol..
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@Deligrace: Since your card is from series 1, I'm willing to trade. PM me with the card you want in exchange and your address!
I have puck 043, do you want to trade for sly 138?
I am from the Netherlands (what are PAL region cards, mine are from Europe)
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I have puck 043, do you want to trade for sly 138?
Sure :) PM me with your address!

Edit: Didn't see your question earlier, PAL region cards are the ones sold in Europe and Australia
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