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Giveaway Dupetown is open ....

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
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My DupeTown is a Giveaway town full of Hybrid flowers, trees, bush starts, fruit baskets, furniture sets, Silver and Gold tools, and many other useful and desired items.
It is not a Hack town but most of the items are duped ... thus the name Dupetown.
Most of the furniture sets were either bought by me or donated by others.
It is Powersaved so it can be restored whenever inventory gets low so everyone can have equal opportunity to get what they need.
I am telling you this upfront because some players do not want hacked or duped items.

So ... Knowing all that if you would like to visit DupeTown just post and say so.
I will add your FC when I renew the town but I will not reply to tell you when you are added.
Just look for the town now and then and come visit when it is open (most every day ... all day)

Be aware this is NOT a party town or a place to hang out.
No fishing or bug catching either.
Come get what you want and go home so others my visit.
You are welcome to visit anytime the town is open ... dont ask ... just come.
Be respectful to others and just take ... dont leave things here.

I can not always be available to interact because of other chores so please dont get upset if I do not respond.
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Can I please come c:?
My fc is 2122-8943-0668, thank you!!
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I'd like to come, please! My fc is in my signature. Are we only allowed in once?

No .... you may visit anytime you see the town open.

I will add everyone in 30 min when I restore the town.
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Hiya! I would like to remind everyone of the rules here and that duping in Animal Crossing is against them. Kindly refrain from doing so here in the future, please and thank you!

Playing Fair and Honest
We expect all members to honor any trade agreements they make. You should not scam or steal from other players. Exploiting game glitches for gain is also not allowed. This includes using The Bell Tree to sell duplicated items or using the forum to find people to duplicate items with you. In this way, we hope to reduce the negative impact that cheating has on the game.
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