Cycling Dreamie giveaway! [Moving out: x ]

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I'll wait for Cyrano then. The first post made me believe she was in your town.

That's my fault, I forgot to update the first post after finding a home for her. Sorry >.< But I go through about 10 villagers a day on a good day, so it shouldn't be too long hopefully!
Hello! This is so sweet of you to do. :)) May I lurk for:


Thank you so much xx
Hi there! Thank you so much for the message you left me about Merengue. I recently lost her due to time traveling recklessly so I realize I have to wait for the 16-villager cycle before I can even get her back I think :(

I would like to lurk for:

This is so nice of you ♡
I no longer need Nan, Annalise, or Hazel on the list of villagers I'm looking! :D I only need Mac now. Thank you so much! <3
Hi again... Was wondering if I can add Flora, Kyle, Skye and Whitney to my 'lurking list' please? (Sorry I know that's a LOT of villagers but I'm trying to get my dreamies ASAP so I can fix up my town - plus who just doesn't want their dreamies anyway - if I get randoms move in for all I know they could move in over something :p)
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Hey mind if I take Ed? I need a smug villager for a bit and then once he's leaving I'll put him up for adoption. Let me know. It's okay if not I understand. : >
Can you please take me off the list for Bones? I got him this morning from someone :). Thank you!!
aa hello! may I have ed, if he still is available that is! and is it okay if I lurk for gigi as well? both villagers are dreamies of mine !!
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