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Do you use your real name or a new name?

Well, technically yes, I use my real name only shortened. See, my name is Shannon, however, back in the 3DS days certain games only has a six character limit and my name was one letter too long. Now I use Shan for everything as a habit XD
I use real name, nicknames, and made up names. I guess it really depends on my mood and what games I’m playing.
Nope, I never use my real name in any video game. I prefer to make OCs and give them names which I like and think would fit to them.
I always use a made up name. Although I have become a lot less imaginative these days. All my characters are usually called 'Oni' now...
I use my real name for 4 of my PCs, which is really just 1 PC since we can't own more than 1 house. I didn't use my real name in NL because of the Island.
Sometimes, it depends on what the game is. For Animal Crossing, I always use my real name for my first villager, but after that I just make a name for what I feel is fitting for the theme, story, or whatever I am trying to capture.
Real name! I am super indecisive and tend to regret every decision I make, but my real name stays the same.
For the sake of my privacy I don't want to use my real name. I just use a name based off of my favorite game character.
When I first played City Folk I did a different name. When I played New Leaf I did that name as well, but as I played it over the years and got older I always told my villagers to call me by my real name as a "nickname". For NH, I use my real name because it just feels best.
I usually use different names for my in game characters, most often either based off of my own characters or ones from media I like, such as my two NH character's. My main one is Leslie, named after a character from the video game The Evil Within, and my other one is named for an OC of mine. Even though I like my own name quite a bit, I tend to feel rather awkward using it for characters in games, for some reason, I don't actually know why to be honest.
New Horizons is the first Animal Crossing mainline game where I've used my own name. Largely in part to being able to change my skin tone without having to tan, but there's also so many clothing options that it's fun to style my character how I like to dress—my character even wears a similiar pair of glasses in-game to the ones I wear in real life.
Animal Crossing is the only game I use my real name in, since the intention is that the character in it that I play as is supposed to be a representation of myself
I use my real name hahaha. Sometimes I use a fake name if I make a second account of something (like when I made a second pokemon SW/SH saved file to get more legendaries)
I use my real nickname! My name it way too long and it would feel off because I play in English but my name is Italian! 😅