Do you use your real name or a made up name?

i use my gamer name which is Tommy. I've always used this name in all games i've played which require a name entry so lol..
I use my online nickname (Aya) which is fake. I tried using my real name once in another game and it felt awkward.
Whenever i make up a town, i always use character names from shows, games or movies i really like. :3
Nope. I usually do, but I don't want my real name to be given out on streetpass.
I also like having a fake name because it allows me to live in a fantasy world.
I use my real nickname. My real name is Christina. Back in the day most video games didn't allow for 9 characters and I often ended up being named "Christ" if I tried to use my real name. Therefore when I got the nickname Xina (Pronounced zee-nuh but based off Xmas being Christmas. See? Xmas - Xina? ummm...nvm.) I started using it for everything. It works great for games. I doubt there are many that wont allow 4 character names, hehe.
I use my nickname. Always used my real name in games up 'til I was around 13 (I'm 22 now), then I started thinking it would be cool to use a nickname because everyone seemd to have one. That's obviously not the reason for using my nickname anymore, it's simply become a habit and I've always been fond of my current and previous nickname.
I use my real name - well, part of it at least! ;)

When I use an alternate name in games I use Reina.
I always get really annoyed because my real name is one letter too long to be my animal crossing name, Kassandra is my real name but I have to go by Kassy on my game because Kassandra wont fit and I just can't bring myself to shorten it by one letter like by calling myself Kasandra or Kassandr because that's not my name!
the other humans in my town are named for my husband and my Cat. I used to go by Thulhu in-game which is an online name I've used a lot but it's way better when a Cute animal runs up and calls you Mayor Kassy or K-bot... although right now their calling me Mega-K which I'm not sure if i like that

Oh, hey. My name is also Kassandra~


I use my real name (or a shortened version of it) Kassie. I feel weird when I use fake names and I lack creativity to come up with a different name.
I use my real name Arriane or Ari in games like animal crossing and pokemon, but for rpgs I usually write backstories and base my name off of that--like it usually has a meaning in some language or culture relating to the story or a plot element. So it depends on the game for me and how I'll play it. If its just casual play Ari is fine, otherwise I like to get into it and create a cool character ^^ I love character creation.

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Oh yeah, my other characters in ACNL are named after members of House Dayne who live in Starfall in Game of Thrones/ASOIAF. So I guess those are made up? But thats just because I obviously dont want like 4 characters named Ari, and theyre not made up by me, so I dont know if that counts as made up.
I use Nick which is short for Nicholas because I don't want people calling me a weird long name
i used my real name for my mayor character but im going to make up some character's names for my human villagers :>
Well I don't use my first name but it's not really made up either 0: Lynn just sounds better than Amanda so yeaaa middle names r cool
I always use my real name! Makes it feel like I'm really the mayor~ :3
I always use my real name for my mayor, I always like to make it feel as authentic as possible :)