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Do you perfer reading or listening to books?

Reading, the people in audio books/readings usually make me uncomfortable or are just bad at it haha.
Reminds me of when I had to listen to a Poe story in middle school; the classroom was dead quiet while some person's shouting about murder.
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Reading. I can't really concentrate or get a good feeling of the book if someone else reads it and you can't picture it for yourself.

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Reading, the people in audio books/readings usually make me uncomfortable or are just bad at it haha.
Reminds me of when I had to listen to a Poe story in middle school; the classroom was dead quiet while some person's shouting about murder.

Yeah the readings are a lot of times really annoying and when they can't pronounce stuff either lol
I prefer reading because with audiobooks, I feel like you are expected to be doing something else, and I'm not much of a multi-tasker. Even if you aren't multitasking, if I'm following along with the book, I don't feel that the audiobook is necessary, and if I'm just sitting there listening to the audiobook, I feel like I wouldn't pay attention lol
Reading the actual book so that if it’s good and fictional, I feel like I’m in that world, or if it’s nonfictional, I can actually understand the facts being presented and it doesn’t sound like a documentary with no visuals, lmao.
Definitely reading! Audiobooks can take me out of the story if I don't like the voice, plus I find reading myself helps me visualize the world better for some reason.
Reading. I find audio books to be too distracting for my tastes. That, and 99% of the books I read don't have audio books to begin with. bahaha
reading. i've tried to listen to audiobooks, but, they end up distracting me.
I like audio books if I want to hear the story while I’m working on something, but otherwise I prefer to read.
Definitely reading. I've only listened to one audiobook that was loaned to me and it was read by the author so it was probably one of the better ones in that respect. But I prefer to control the speed at which I read and I think I focus on the story better that way too.
Reading because while taking in what the book has to offer, you can imagine of what's going on in your mind. I personally don't mind audiobooks so I could take either option I want.
Yeah I don't think I could concentrate on someone reading things for more than a few either.. Like if you listen to music that's the way it's intended to sound and you can dig along how it should be but if people are reading random things out loud and you're supposed to listen while doing stuff in the meantime no.
I prefer physically reading books. I find it more immersive. When I just listen to something I'm not really thinking or properly engaging with the material.
Yeah I prefer it physically as well if available, I don't like reading pdf's or documents on a device as for longer stuff than a few pages.. to stray away a bit from the topic but when I'm on it.
Reading. When I was really young and couldn't read well I loved listening to books on tape or having my mom read to me, but it just doesn't work for me anymore.