do you own a Nintendo Switch?

I'll buy a Switch either after Amazon drops the price, or when Animal Crossing Switch is revealed, so likely sometime this year.
My broke ass says no. Maybe in 5 years when many games are out and almost everyone has it
Yes as i love Zelda game series and hoping for Animal crossing! hehe
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Nope and don't see myself buying it. Everyone being hyped for the core pokemon game thats just on paper is dumb.. its not even a full concept yet. Maybe then i'll buy but now nope!
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Not at the moment, but I will when I see at least 3 games I want that are exclusives. I jumped the gun too quick for the Wii U and so I need to insure there is something I want to play on it.
I bought one this week. I was holding out for for an AC game, but I like MK8 and the new Kirby game looks cute, so I caved. I want Mario Odyssey too. Maybe AC will be announced in 2018.
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I do not have one. Not sure when I'll get one, probably when there's a larger gallery of games.
Yep, we have one. Originally I was okay with waiting until more titles were revealed so I wasn't in any rush. However, my boyfriend really wanted Breath of the Wild so we were looking for a Switch since launch and regretted not pre-ordering it. After a few weeks after launch, we managed to find one driving further out of where we lived and celebrated with brunch.

So far, we have Breath of the Wild, Puyo Puyo Tetris, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's been fun so far. I enjoy Puyo Puyo Tetris and was pleasantly surprised with how many different modes you can play in. We'll most likely get Super Mario Odyssey, the new Pokemon core game, and hopefully an Animal Crossing title will be revealed by then. :)
No, I don't think I will either... That thing is like 400 dollars and the games are like 80 dollars each. It's super expensive, I have better things to buy, and it would break my heart giving away that much money...
I have a Switch. I had to wait in line for hours for the midnight launch when it first came out in March to get it and I'm glad I did that considering that it's still really hard to find one. I'm pretty happy I bought it, the only game I have is Breath of the Wild but even now after I've beat the main story it's not boring. My one complaint is that the controllers are horrible and really expensive. I've already managed to break the right stick on my controller and can't afford to get a new one :/
I do have a Switch! Friend code to the left if you wanna add me! :)
Yes I do have a Switch and really love it.. Can't wait for the upcoming good games too.
I don't, but I think I will when the price goes down a bit and they announce an AC title. I'm interested in splatoon 2, but that's not enough to keep me playing it and I feel like it'll be a lot of money wasted if I buy it for that alone. I heard there's going to be a main series pokemon game on the switch which sorta makes me want to buy it, but I want to see some trailers and gameplay first before I feel like it'll be a worthwhile purchase. I think when it gets more games and the price goes down, then yeah for sure. But I just hope that most of the games that are coming out on it have replay value really.
Yes, I do now!

They finally came back in stock so I got one yesterday bundled with Zelda and I downloaded Mario Kart today from the eshop.

That Animal Crossing track in Mario Kart is awesome, I just want to get out of the kart and walk around. ;)