Do you like your name? Would you want to change it?

I have a double name (plus a middle name). My father and his family called me by the second, my mom and brother by the first, some people say both and some friends call me by my nickname. I don't like it that much because it's not a common name in my place and I have to repeat it countless times and English speakers are not able to pronounce it, plus I'm maybe the only one in the country to have that name (with the family name), so if my name appears somewhere everybody know it's me. I wouldn't know what name to choose instead, C-3PO?
My name is Rebecca and I absolutely hate my name. It really doesn't suit me given my personality and it's way too formal for somebody like me. I don't like how it's said either or how other people say it, it's nothing personal but my own name cringes me out. Although i'd love to have a different name if I could (I also have a terrible middle name), I'd feel like I was disrespecting my parents. Hence why I've never had the initiative to change it.
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I apologise if I'm wrong with my assumption but Aniko is a really nice name if it is indeed your real name. :)

It's my nickname, it sounds a bit like my second name but modified.

Thank you. ;)
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All 3 of my names are uncommon and I like the meanings to them, so nah I wouldn't change them
However maybe someday I'll add my memaw's name as a second middle name. Apparently I was supposed to be named after her (the name is family tradition) but wasn't. Her name is uncommon and I like it
My first name is fine but literally no one has ever pronounced my last name correctly except for my family or people who I've corrected multiple times.
Sameeee. Everyone tries to pronounce all the letters when some are silent, but I still like it because no one except direct family have the same last name.

I used to not like my first name when I was younger and wanted to use my middle name instead but now I'm fine with it. Except at work cause one of my co-workers has a very similar sounding name and we can never tell the difference when we're being paged on the speaker
honestly i hate my (real) first name, the name i go by on here is just an alias bc i really liked the name ella & i also used to be sugerella so i got it from that

but my real first name... nobody can ever pronounce it right it's p rare someone will pronounce it right so yeah i hate it
I like my name, but I would change it to include my middle name (which I gave myself later in life lol).
When I was younger, I used to hate my name because no one could pronounce it right and people almost always spelled it wrong. My name is difficult to pronounce in Spanish so almost all of my family calls me by my middle name. My first name was supposed to be my middle name but my father changed it last minute without telling anyone. I don't mind when family calls me by my middle name.

As I grew older, I started to like it more and nowadays people give me compliments on it and no one has trouble pronouncing it. :p I've considered changing it as a kid but I'm actually fond of it now.
I hate it and it's ruining my life. My stupid country doesn't let me change it.
I like my first name, my middle names goes with my first name well, but I don't like my last name. I mean it's an alright name, but it's also the name of several musicians, a few actors, and a Christian program on tv, so I hear jokes a lot, and many people mis-pronounce it. I hope I can convince my boyfriend to change HIS last name to something better so that when I marry him we can have a cool new last name. His last name doesn't match his mom or step-dad so it's not a big deal to "pass on the name." Or anything.
when I was younger I wanted to change it, now I don't mind my name because people don't shorten it like they used to. if I must I'd like to change my name to Allisia (not sure if I spelt it right) which is my second middle name and also my mums old friend's name, but It would be troublesome and I'm used to my current name. My last name is OK, but everyone always pronounces it wrong, prolly because I don't have two l's in it like most do :rolleyes:
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I have a fairly common first name. Though oddly enough I never met someone else with the same first name as me until college.
I don't think I have any strong feelings one way or the other about it, but people seem to enjoy giving me nicknames on it for some reason.

I do really like my middle name though. I like the sound. I use it for business instead of my first because my manager said its more "exotic" and marketable, haha ~
apparently i was supposed to be zyan which sounds really weird but cool but of course my dad had to pick and he went with ramone unfortunately. idc tho its the name of a band so thats kool i guess
my name is demetria and i like it though i prefer to be called demi. my dad was going to call me casey if i was a boy (i don't like that name for boys) but i don't really care about names
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I love my name, emerald.
My mother wanted to name me something in remembrance in how valuable I was to her, along with my twin. So she said jewelry are girl's best friends so why not.