Do you factor in popularity when choosing your villagers?

absolutely not.

i now have 10 villagers, and it was quite difficult for me to find and choose 10 that i liked.
when i started with the game the only one i liked and that i wanted which is popular was Biskit.
the rest ( well at first ) i didn't care for.

so first of: Biskit.
who doesn't love this guy ? seriously ?
when i was watching a let's play of the game, the guy playing it had him as his starter villagers.
and i thought the dialogue Biskit had was pretty funny, so i wanted him too.
and so i did :p

second and third, are Biff and Timbra.
these two Biff ( the hippo ) and Timbra ( the sheep ) were also in my town as starting villagers.
at first i was fine with these two, you know, like: they're fine, i'll change them whenever.
but after a while i didn't want to let them leave, they were funny, and awesome ( Biff ) and cute, and a snoop ( Timbra )
so now i can't imagine my town without them.

fourth comes, Chevre
this cute big eyed little goat girl entered my town after me not playing ACNL all that much.
afte starting the game up again after a few months ( this is where she came in ) i saw her and instantly loved her.
she's so super cute and lovely and i never wanted her to leave me, or my town.

than she left...

and came back with the use of an amiibo card ^^

5th was Vic the bull.
now this guy really worked well in contrast with Biff the hippo,
so i thought that was a cool mechanic.

i also got him back with use of an Amiibo card ( his first house location was a bit awkward even though i can't remember where it was :p

Savannah was 6th in line.
when she came into my town unexpectedly, i really liked her design.
being that of a zebra, which i really liked in combination of her name.
so she was definitively a keeper for me.

the next 3 were added into my town via Amiibo.

8th Kevin the pig.
Kevin = pig
pig = bacon
Kevin = pig = bacon = Kevin bacon :D
i just love this head cannon and therefore choose this guy.

9th Becky the chicken.
oh this is gonna be a good one, ha ha
so a few years back when i was really into animal crossing new leaf.
i met this girl right here on this forum, her name... was Becky.
now she and i used to hang out pretty much daily, we had a lot of fun together.
one time when i was at her town, she let a in real life friend of hers come over in the train, and we three were hanging out.
now her friend told me that she ( the friend ) and the rest of their group of friends, call her ( Becky ) a chicken, which i find hugely hilarious.
so just to tease her a bit, from time to time i called her ( Becky ) a chicken.
now one day, we ( Becky and i ) were at a mutual friend's her town, and guess who she ( our mutual friend ) had in her town ?

YUP, Becky the chicken, i choked on my food, almost passing out from laughter as i saw that.
i send her a picture of it laughing my ass off.

and as i unfortunately lost contact with Becky ( the person :p )
i wanted Becky ( the chicken ) in my town as a remembrance and ode to her ( Becky, the person )

and finally.
the 10th one, Julia.

as i was looking through ALL of the ACNL characters, i couldn't really find a 10th one i liked.
so when i heard that there was this ''welome Amiibo'' update i heard there were multiple characters added ( mostly or even solely older characters )
and then i saw Julia, i liked her from the beginning and bought her Amiibo card immediately, cause i just wanted her so badly.
and i also noticed that she coincidentally has the exact same birthday as i have, which made me love her even more.

i do however have to say, that there is and 11th character that i really liked, but i didn't want to have 2 of the same animal in my town.
that character was Ed, he was pretty goofy, and funny to me.
but he left unfortunately, i have thought about switching him in and have Savannah leave, but i just like Savannah better.
so he is my unofficial 11th NPC living in my town.
Not really, I just picked ones that fit with my town the most or that I thought were cute/silly.
I have Pango in mine and love her to bits. I don't factor in "popularity" because it's a moot point. People like different things, it's just how we are. If we all only wanted the "top tier" then our towns would all get pretty dull after a while, no?
Not really. But a lot of villagers that I like are popular (like Stitches, Kiki, Lolly, Lobo). I don't like them because they are popular. I want to choose villagers that I like. I really dislike towns that are FULL with top tier villagers because it's so.. well.. standard.
Nah. I picked out villagers that just clicked with me well, including my favorite villagers from ACWW. If they happen to be popular, it's a coincidence lol. If I just picked popular villagers, it would feel like a showcase vs a home.
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