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Do you ever wish you could delete something you did online?


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2015
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Have you ever wished you could erase from existance something cringy you did online?

When I was younger, I used to go on yahoo answers. At the time, I thought it was great because you could ask anything and get an answer. Being young and dumb, I would go on there all the time and ask questions that I now think are stupid and had no business being on there. I eventually stopped posting because the people on that site were so mean, which hurt my feelings and drove me off. I went back to my account tonight and God I was so embarrassing. I can't believe what I was thinking back then when I posted some of the things I did. I wish I could delete my entire existance on that site but as far as I can tell you can't. This is probably the biggest thing I ever regret doing online

What are some things you wish you could erase from the internet?
If you've ever had friends who dig up all your old usernames and then read some of the most cringiest stuff alive outloud back to you, you quickly learn how to delete or take down or remove a lot of things reallllllllllllllllllllllll fast.
When I was younger, I used to go on yahoo answers.

Oh god, just reading this one sentence brought back a wave of horrible memories. I used to answer Yahoo Answer questions all the time in middle school, one of my friends said they could see all the questions I answered and it was really embarrassing.

I wish I could delete my Yahoo Answer account and my YouTube account from 2012. I forgot the password to it so I can't log in to that account.
17000 posts and prior are all really bad regrets. previous username = regret. all of my VM's = regret
basically all of my activity on this forum is a regret
i used to use aol instant messenger back in the days. so glad it deleted itself so i didn't have to lmao. cANt beLIeve i tHouGHT tYpIng liKE thiS wAS cOoL
Lol yeah, or rather delete all the random accounts you can't delete lol. I was a real cringe teen haha.
Oh god, YES! I wish I could delete a lot of stuff I've posted and otherwise.
omg i relate so much to the yahoo answers thing- i never answered questions, but i'd ask soooo many questions about my crushes ("does he like me back?" posts and "how do i get him to like me?" posts ;;;; )
I would but I probably would still have the same types of posts. :lemon:
uhhh everything I did on the internet 3 years ago, specifically all those group emails with my classmates
Absolutely yes. There are some things that I did that ruined my life for quite some time. I lost friends over it. But I did it to myself.
Yeah but I try not to be too hard on myself cuz I was just a dumbass 14 yr old or however young I was
still embarrassing to stumble across old things though haha
haha yeah ive gotten rid of what i had but i know that there are a lot of people who have it saved. i try to think that it wont affect me now bc it'd be Pretty Darn Hard 2 trace back to me but i still wish i could remove any trace of it all from existance
Oh god yes. Sometimes I think of things I've said in the past and... ugh.

Old Facebook / Bebo days were the worst (flashback to 11 year old me) but thankfully Bebo is gone and I think I've managed to erase most everything else. (Damn internet archives though)

Even things I've said as little as a year ago make me feel terrible, but honestly it's not all so bad, it shows how my opinions have changed and proves personal growth, imo.
Wouldn't exactly be upset if any and all evidence of me having used the internet before 2016 just happened to go missing all of a sudden.