Did you apply for mod?

I did. #mintsasmod2k15 #voteformints

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I looked at the application, but I'm not really known around the site imo and I've already been a mod for an MC server for almost three years (just recently resigned); I'm done with modding for a while. xD Good luck to everyone who applied! <3
Naaah I didn't bother, mainly because not being online for ages would've gone against me :)
Ahahaha no. Let's just be real, I'd make a horrible mod.
I was literally too lazy to fill out the full form. I think I stopped at "Do you consider yourself mature..."
Nope. I've been a moderator on a forum before and worked my ass off to the point where I took it almost too seriously (as in, thinking about the forum almost all the time), so no more being a moderator for me :D
Nope. I've been a moderator on a forum before and worked my ass off to the point where I took it almost too seriously (as in, thinking about the forum almost all the time), so no more being a moderator for me :D
oh yeah. THAT forum. remember the forum i was a mod of ;)
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I applied last time, but I just feel I'm not suitable for the job. I feel as though barely anyone on here actually knows who I am. SO I haven't applied this time, but I think that whoever is picked will definitely be the right choice. I can think of a few good people who would suit the role. So good luck to those of you who have applied!
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I sure did. I feel like I'd be a decent mod because a lot of my friends often come to me for advice or whatever so I really know how to handle difficult situations. I've always wanted to be a mod so I figured I'd give it a shot. :)

Plus I'm on here like a LOT so I figure I can be that mod who everyone can PM whenever because they all know I got no life. xD
Ive thought about it, but Im not sure I would have time.

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oh and I barely make the age cap lmao
I actually did. I feel like I've been here long enough to understand how things work and I'm online pretty often.

But I know they're only promoting Trundle so why did I even bother :lemon:
I did apply, I feel like I would be well suited. But, I know they say popularity doesn't play a role in who gets chosen or not. But obviously if people like you they will recommend the more "popular" users. So I feel like it may just end up being "who do people know the most" kind of thing.
I did. I've been here for a while now, but I'm not all that known around here. I know a lot of people, but I don't think people can say they know me. Lol if you know what I mean. ;)

But yeah... I don't think that title is coming my way. Hehe