Currently reading?

I put it in my bag on Friday to read on the train, but ended up just listening to music both ways.

I started reading Innocence to the Max by SJD Peterson last night. Turned out to be really good and I only put it down to Skype, eat, and sleep. Unfortunately I read it mostly to suppress the urge to buy books 2-5 in another series she has written and now the urge is even greater than before. Even worse - they're 25% off right now.

Ah, you'll get to it sometime :) And yeah, same here sometime when I'm just pumped for reading I end up blasting stuff in my earphones instead :p

And yeah I buy way too much weird books but they are like 2-3 buckaroos here so can't resist aah
Da vinci code . I know it's been out for ages now but , I found it for 5 bucks ( the equivalent of it , at least ) and I'm enjoying it so far !
Started reading Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone last night! I can't believe I've never read this series before, or seen any of the movies.
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Ah, you'll get to it sometime :) And yeah, same here sometime when I'm just pumped for reading I end up blasting stuff in my earphones instead :p

And yeah I buy way too much weird books but they are like 2-3 buckaroos here so can't resist aah

I buy most books cheap digitally, and being that I've sort of niche tastes I have to buy direct from the publishers and they only list prices in USD. The currency conversion tends to works in my favour. :D

Borrowed Uglies by Scott Westerfield off my flatmate back in January. I read 50 pages but couldn't really get into it. Read the rest in one sitting just now and damn the first quarter was dull/slow but the rest was pretty good.
I buy most books cheap digitally, and being that I've sort of niche tastes I have to buy direct from the publishers and they only list prices in USD. The currency conversion tends to works in my favour. :D

Borrowed Uglies by Scott Westerfield off my flatmate back in January. I read 50 pages but couldn't really get into it. Read the rest in one sitting just now and damn the first quarter was dull/slow but the rest was pretty good.

Ah, make sense I guess. I try to buy physical editions when I can though, I so much prefer that reading a PDF or just e-books. I have a kinda niche taste myself in some way but I guess not too bad then :p Also I'm very much one who prefers it physical, mostly because I read a lot of stuff online for film studies and just saying your eyes hurt a bit after reading 50 pages in a row online, haha!

And yeah I def. had those books as well, on the other hand you feel a relief when you come to those passages that makes you read it all at once.
I started Lolita last night. I'm currently a chapter into Part II and I'm enjoying it. My only issue with it is the font kills me to look at: my copy has super tiny, bold, serif font. This reminds me of why I prefer eBooks: I can adjust font style and size to something easier on the eyes.
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I started Lolita last night. I'm currently a chapter into Part II and I'm enjoying it. My only issue with it is the font kills me to look at: my copy has super tiny, bold, serif font. This reminds me of why I prefer eBooks: I can adjust font style and size.

Ah, I don't really know what font exactly my copy has but it's not too bad, it's not Lord of the Rings or anything :p

Good point, still I'm physical haha.
I'm reading Pride and Prejudice right now. I've got an essay due next week and I'm still halfway through the book.
Ah, I don't really know what font exactly my copy has but it's not too bad, it's not Lord of the Rings or anything :p

Good point, still I'm physical haha.

I swear the thickness of the font changes every other page for me. Or maybe that's just my awful eyesight. I had to switch to glasses last night to even be able to read it comfortably.

I'm reading Pride and Prejudice right now. I've got an essay due next week and I'm still halfway through the book.

What do you think of it? I read it for class when I was 17 and found it a struggle.
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What do you think of it? I read it for class when I was 17 and found it a struggle.

I agree. The style is too pompous for me. I mean, Jane Austen could've said the same thing using, like, 2000 less words per sentence.
I know I just posted yesterday, but I'm about to tackle the behemoth 1Q84 for the first time.
I agree. The style is too pompous for me. I mean, Jane Austen could've said the same thing using, like, 2000 less words per sentence.

Ugh, yes. I prefer writers who used a minimalistic style for the most part. If a writer is going to go all poetic I need to be able to like their style to enjoy it properly. Hers definitely not. I attempted to read Persuasion after and gave up about a third of the way through.

I know I just posted yesterday, but I'm about to tackle the behemoth 1Q84 for the first time.

Please share what you think after! I'm planning to read this once I get through this semester. It's been sat on my shelf for over four years and I've still yet to touch it.
Please share what you think after! I'm planning to read this once I get through this semester. It's been sat on my shelf for over four years and I've still yet to touch it.

I will! It may take me a while to finish, I have the paperback version with all of its 900+ page glory & I'm coming up on midterms, but I'll share when I (finally) finish.
I put it in my bag on Friday to read on the train, but ended up just listening to music both ways.

I started reading Innocence to the Max by SJD Peterson last night. Turned out to be really good and I only put it down to Skype, eat, and sleep. Unfortunately I read it mostly to suppress the urge to buy books 2-5 in another series she has written and now the urge is even greater than before. Even worse - they're 25% off right now.

I failed. I just bought Bks 2-5 of Peterson's Guards of Folsom series plus a standalone novel by the same author for ?22 in the sale.
I failed. I just bought Bks 2-5 of Peterson's Guards of Folsom series plus a standalone novel by the same author for ?22 in the sale.

Book sales are the greatest man. I hope I can pick up some more stuff I want... knowing myself I will just buy a truckload just because haha.
I started to read The Awakened Mage by Karen Miller in addition to the two I was already reading. If any of you are fantasy fans and have never read her books before- I'd thoroughly recommend it. Kingmaker, Kingbreaker quickly became a favourite series of mine.
Now, I'm reading "Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System" of Barry Eichengreen. I have an Exam of Contemporary Economic History after Easter break, and I need to read it for this, though I've just started, lol. I thought it would be really horrible, but I'm enjoying it more than I thought. It's not difficult to read and it's quite interesting. I hope this continues during all the book and not just in the first chapter...
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