COD vs. TF2


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Nov 26, 2011
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Recently, I've been getting in some pretty heated arguments with my friends about TF2 being better than COD and other FPS games. What do you guys think?

Better yet, just say all Valve FPS games are infinitely better than the COD ****.
With CoD games coming out every year now it has really grown stale to myself and many others. They are still decent games, but I feel that there are many others that beat it hands down.
Honestly, never played either, but have seen videos and watched others play, i prefer TF2 than COD.
The only COD games I ever played was Call of Duty 2, and the Console exclusives Finest Hour and Big Red One. Closest thing to the present COD's multiplayer I played was Goldeneye 007 on the Wii, and I had problems with that (Biggest one is losing any gained experience when the host ragequits.) And I played TF2 alot and I generally enjoy it despite taking up space.

Both have their strenghts and weaknesses, I say TF2 is better, it's more original with the cartoonish/60's feel and the classes are well made (if one is to ignore some of the more controversial unlocks.)
Better yet, just say all Valve FPS games are infinitely better than the COD ****.
bingabongchong said:
I wouldn't call one better than the other. They play completely different from each other.
I see what you're saying, it's this mindframe that prohibits me from picking favorites in most situations. However, I do think TF2 is overall a better game in most aspects than COD, despite their differences.
CoD is basically just a spray and pray, while TF2 on the other hand, requires strategy and experience.
I find it really boils down to who made it. It seemed like anything Infinity Ward put out after the original Modern Warfare stunk hardcore, story and multiplayer-wise, the co-op parts being the only redeeming feature. While the stories Treyarch makes are kinda meh overall, the co-op and multiplayer tend to be fun. But having insane amounts of fun with TF2, even when losing tells me its a better game, at least in my opinion. Far more fun and you actually have to work together to win.
I absolutely detest CoD. Roughly 75% (not a made up number) of my class plays CoD and every year they say "OMG THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST GAME EVAH!!!!!!" and then a month or two later "****! THAT GAME SUCKS MAN! IT ISN'T COD4!!!!!"
Both games are vastly different its like comparing Forza to Mario Kart you drive in both but they are completely different experiences.

Also when you compare CoD to TF2 you have to just compare the online aspect otherwise it isn't a fair battle with CoD winning hands down. CoD has a story, spec ops/zombies, as well as a massive online portion. So comparing both games as a whole isnt fair. Its the meaty online where peoples opinions differ.

A main point that people like to argue about pro-tf2 is the fact the game uses "teamwork." Not to say this isnt true because it certainly is but teamwork can be achieved in CoD as well. Although this is hard to find all you need is a buddy to play CoD with you, stick together, watch each others back, communicate a whole new level of enjoyment can be reached. I highly recommend playing that way with a friend.

Just for the record I think both games are very entertaining it just depends on what type of shooter you want to play at that time.
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Both games are vastly different its like comparing Forza to Mario Kart you drive in both but they are completely different experiences.

Also when you compare CoD to TF2 you have to just compare the online aspect otherwise it isn't a fair battle with CoD winning hands down. CoD has a story, spec ops/zombies, as well as a massive online portion. So comparing both games as a whole isnt fair. Its the meaty online where peoples opinions differ.

Story? ha... ha. ha. :l
I enjoy it. I know I'm the minority when it comes to liking the CoD story though.
You are probably the only person I have ever conversed with who plays campaign on CoD. Literally every other person I know goes straight to the online when a new CoD game is released. They might go back to campaign later after they have prestige'd God knows how many times, but it usually doesn't get played.
You are probably the only person I have ever conversed with who plays campaign on CoD. Literally every other person I know goes straight to the online when a new CoD game is released. They might go back to campaign later after they have prestige'd God knows how many times, but it usually doesn't get played.
I'm well aware. Most of Cods fanbase are like that. Which is why the companies dont make a 18 hour long story.
CoD4 definitely brought some innovative multiplayer FPS gameplay to consoles. Since then it has just been rehashed over and over again with very little real improvement. That whole business model is enough to make me hate CoD. With regards to TF2 vs. CoD, I'm not sure that that's a very enlightening comparison to make. TF2 has Quake-style shooters in its bloodline, while CoD has... well I'm not really sure what games qualify as the forebears of CoD. The point is they try to do something very different. TF2 certainly does whatever it does it with a lot more class (ha ha) and has shown to have a lot more longevity than CoD.
I'm well aware. Most of Cods fanbase are like that. Which is why the companies dont make a 18 hour long story.

That and CoD's gameplay can't sustain itself for 18 hours. That's the reason it's always being broken up with things like vehicular scenes and whatnot, which typically amount to nothing more than rail shooting sections. All of their good ideas were spent on CoD4's campaign, and about all they can manage is rehashing those ideas or turning them up to 11 (killing a player character twice in MW2 comes to mind).