Your art is so sexy O_O)>Best of luck, hope you get some pwnsome trades<3 I would totally tap your OC xD (weirdo)
You're super welcome<(^_^

I want da older Hiro<3 Mmmmm elf ears *drools xD*
Yuss, ever since LOTR I loved elf ears, then I totally got over Legolas xD Still love those ears tho' <3

*gasp* Why did your love for him fizzle out? He's quite the hottie (referring to both the fictional character and Orlando Bloom >w<).
*gasp* Why did your love for him fizzle out? He's quite the hottie (referring to both the fictional character and Orlando Bloom >w<).

I got over the Orlando hype and fell for Johnny Depp lol xD But I still love him as an Elf if I am honest;)
Amazing how attraction works, LOL. But yes, if I had to choose between the two, I'd go with Johnny, too <3

Totally agree, it's a fascinating prospect. Yay another Depp lover<3 I actually fell for him in POTC xD OMG that pirate look is so yummy xD
Totally agree, it's a fascinating prospect. Yay another Depp lover<3 I actually fell for him in POTC xD OMG that pirate look is so yummy xD

Great minds think alike! I have quite a fixation for pirates, too! Sexy eye-patches, mm~
Jack Sparrow is definitely lustworthy. I'm gonna go... ogle at his images now. XDDD
Great minds think alike! I have quite a fixation for pirates, too! Sexy eye-patches, mm~
Jack Sparrow is definitely lustworthy. I'm gonna go... ogle at his images now. XDDD

Haha they're supposed to be terrible folks, but ugh that Jack Sparrow O_O Yep I seem to also be fixated on things that either don't exist or that are literally unattainable xD *cough* Pirates/Elves *cough*
ohymgod. I love love love your art, azukitan!!!!!!
I hope you get lots and lots of art trades!!
Haha they're supposed to be terrible folks, but ugh that Jack Sparrow O_O Yep I seem to also be fixated on things that either don't exist or that are literally unattainable xD *cough* Pirates/Elves *cough*

This is why we have erotic fantasy books. :rolleyes:

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ohymgod. I love love love your art, azukitan!!!!!!
I hope you get lots and lots of art trades!!

Thank you, Noodlesss~! <333