ask syub ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

- first week or so: severe pain & the inability to eat any solid food
- once every month: a visit to the ortho and possibly even more pain the first few visits
- having to worry about food being stuck in them
- not being able to chew gum or eat sweets (tbh people with braces eat that stuff all the time, nothing usually happens unless you're careless)

oh. sounds painful! I don't think I need braces, hopefully I don't.
I spent all of my TBT. What mode? I don't know.

-Turf war
-Turf war with friends (u may find people who aren't in ur friend list)
-Ranked (tower,rainmaker and splatzones)
-Squad ~ battle with ur friends in ranked
-Private ~ battle with ur friends without strangers
Oh then my favorite mode is private. I don't want strangers in my games.