Are you losing interest in New Leaf?

Not really. But who am I to judge? I start on September 8th only.
But in my opinion, I guess its forums like these that prolong your interest in the gameplay.
Just a little bit.
I'm still active on the forums and play daily, but definitely not as much as I used to.
I only play at night times now, After working so hard on my town it makes it feel like it wasn't worth doing.

Since most of my friends only play Pokemon :L
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Even with the forums, I lost interest in trading quite a while ago. Though I still enjoy going on forums, it doesn't make me want to play the game.

Today is my first time playing new leaf since pokemon came out. One of my neighbours is already moving out due to me not playing in so long
Kind of. I play a lot less than I used to, and once I completely finish my town probably even less.
Well, yes and no. I'm only playing Pok?mon for now, but it's not like I don't care about my NL town.
Nope. It's just as much fun for me as it was on the release day.
Usually I intend to play for a few minutes to water my flowers but it ends up being like two hours.
No. I play daily as I don't time travel, I didn't spoil myself. I still have goals, I have just torn down the fountain in front of the train station to replace it with a more consequent plaza with a flower clock, a bench and some lamp posts.

My house only has 2 rooms (main floor + 1st floor) so there is still work to be done. I only have 3 villagers pictures.

EDIT : I have been playing since late june. Daily.
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Yeah, kind of. I'm definitely not playing as much as I used to but I'm trying to at least do daily errands still. Not sure how much of it is me getting bored with it, exactly, and how much is me being drained from classes. And the fact that everyone else seems to have jumped ship for Pokemon (a game I don't have any interest in), thus I have less friends playing AC:NL still, and so less interaction... probably isn't helping. :p
No. I still play multiple times a day and love it. I got it on release day and I am still having lots of fun. I don't play Pokemon so that's not a distraction for me.