Anyone else can't seem to accept themselves for who they are?

everyone takin my post sarcastically but if yu cant love urself then what else can you do besides changing things you dont like haha
never said it was easy for everyone ^_^
everyone takin my post sarcastically but if yu cant love urself then what else can you do besides changing things you dont like haha
never said it was easy for everyone ^_^

Some things can't change? Think that's the point.
Some things can't change? Think that's the point.

think the point i made was that if you can change it you should? i thought it was pretty obvious thats what my post was implying. just making a comment on the topic of not being happy with yourself haha.
I relate to that song very much.
I hate myself so so so so so much, dude. I'm ugly, I'm short, weak, dumb, I have really bad mental problems, I'm cynical, I'm asocial, I'm an arse, etc. I used to love who I was (albeit I was still bullied strongly -- but I didn't care!) and now I'm just ... I don't know.

Just know that you're all beautiful people and you are loved for who you are; even if you're not, you will find someone.
This is something I found that I follow:
"Whenever somebody says that they can't, the truth is that they can, they just won't."
I completely accept myself. How easily confused I am, how awkward I can be in social situations. I may be physically weak, but it's a matter of pushing myself to be physically strong. Fun fact about Keldi: She's bisexual. And she accepts it 100 and 10%.
Most of the time, happiness is a choice. But with all choices, there are struggles of which to pick. I hope one day you will accept yourself. Because the hardest thing to do is start. The easiest thing to do is to be negative. So try to push yourself to be positive. :)
I struggle with this sometimes as well. When I was a young kid, I really loved who I was, but over the past few years, I've been harder on myself. I think it's because I recently became old enough to officially be considered an adult, and so I feel a lot more responsible for my actions and my words, and so anytime I misstep, it's harder not to hate myself for it.

I think the important thing is to attempt to cultivate a sense of self-love and self-acceptance actively rather than passively. Don't expect that you are just going to find a few things to change about yourself and suddenly love yourself- while self-improvement can help, I think actively doing things to cultivate unconditional self-acceptance and love, the kind you can extend to yourself even at your worst, is what is most important. An exercise that really helps stop me from hating myself: If you do something that you feel you did wrong and judge yourself for it, think of someone in your head you feel very positively towards, and ask yourself what you would do if they told you that they did or said the thing you are mad at yourself for doing. If you wouldn't stop loving them for doing that thing, and would be able to understand why they did what they did, then that means you hold yourself to a higher standard than you hold your peers to, and that's not fair to yourself. Treat yourself like you would a best friend, because ultimately, you are the person you will spend the most time with for the rest of your life, so working to make that relationship a good one is so important.
There was a time when I didn’t like who I am, but those times are long gone. I’ve worked extremely hard to better myself over the years and am very positive most of the time and have a sense of duty to put others before myself and help them. Can I accept myself for who I am? Haha, I honestly don’t know the answer to that. All I’ll say is that’s not the question I ask myself anymore.

Rather, the question for me is, how am I able to help others so that they can accept themselves for who they are? After all, life isn’t all about me anyway. ^^
Very heartbreaking reading all the replies here, I hope we all find ourselves in better situations in the coming years.

For me, I never struggled with accepting myself, but accepting circumstances was always a struggle. I've dealt with mental health issues since I was a very young child, went through so many different therapies and in patient care programs since around second grade. But I truly believe it's all been due to environment and outside forces, not really how I view myself personally. I don't think I've ever struggled with self image issues.
Im starting to accept myself, scars and all. My friends are living it rough though. Crystal's cousin mightve killed herself last night and she is the only one who cares about her in her family. Gracia's dad is in Iraq and is coming home on the 21st! Yet she is still worried. Th lady that abused me until i was seven, OUT OF JAIL!!! I cant believe it! Shes been huntin' me too! That jerk needs to accept HERSELF
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i almost wish i could focus on a me to like or dislike. the problem is i have an unstable mood and a huge identity disturbance so there's really no "me" to identify and i'm different from before any given time right down to my basic morality.
so i guess the answer is yes to the point of no??
I don't know if I've ever accepted myself. I have a lot of problems that I can't seem to get past and I wish I was prettier, healthier and happier, but there's so much that's still way out of my reach.
I do not like the way I've become in the last few years. I long for all my good habits I used to have awhile back, but it's so hard to get out of my bad ones and get into my good ones again. I'm trying not to let it get to me too much now. The last year though I've been struggling trying to figure out what to do with my hair because I let my own bangs bother me too much. I've finally just decided today to accept my hair for the way it is and love my bangs once more. I'm a lot more talkative nowadays and at first I didn't like it, but I'm fine now and are quite happy I'm more talkative and interactive. :)
I just made a super long blog entry about how I basically don't like who I've become. There was a time when I was comfortable with who I was, but not anymore.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

Oh dear, I know you made this post a while back, but if you need to talk please message me. I am here if you need to get anything off of your chest my friend. It is saddening to hear that you?re upset with who you?ve become, but know it?s not uncommon to feel that way. Often people are lost and those who look like they really have their life together may be struggling too. The best we can do for one another is lend an ear. I can give advice, or just listen, whichever you prefer. And that goes for all of you who need to talk to someone!