Any way to make villagers move out faster?


On Indefinite Hiatus
Apr 20, 2017
Last night, I was up until 2am putting down paths to keep villagers from placing their houses wherever they want. Well I woke up this morning, and turned my game on (I mistakenly forgot to plot reset) and Portia decided to place her house in a spot that's not really annoying or anything, but it's in a spot where I don't want houses to be. I'm not doing any big PWPs or landscraping until all my villagers move is. Am I just stuck with her until she decides to move or is there any way to make her move faster? I don't know why I"m just singling her out when 3 of my other 5 villagers houses aren't in ideal spots either.
If you don't mind time travelling, you could get them to move out fast. I've never tried it myself but this thread might help

Otherwise, I would just accept favors from the villagers you want to move and then don't do the favors. Don't completely stop talking to them though, because I think after a while they won't ping you for anything at all
If you have Amiibo cards, you can move that villager in and decide who should move out.
This is what I heard is the best method (without TTing) a while ago, so if this is wrong please correct me. Anyway, if you can, make a new character, OR use a character that has never talked to the villager you want to leave. Then talk to the villager ONCE using that character. After they introduce themselves to you, don't talk to that villager ever again, on any of your characters. Don't hit them with a net, nor do anything else that will cause them to speak to you. They should leave in about a week.
I'm going to try redpqndq's method. Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond. I'm scared of TTing because the one time I did it, I messed up everything and I really like my town and I don't want to do anything that could mess it up lol and I don't have amiibo cards.
Try moving in another villager so that she'll drop to 9th or 8th or whatever, as long as she's not the latest villager who moved into your town or else it'll be a pain to move her out.
You know that I think about it, Portia's house is actually going to be in a pretty good spot.

I circled where her house is going to be (in black)

Pudge's house (circled in red) is the one that's in the way.