• "Join us at 8 PM EDT for a special, for-fun (no spectator points) staff stream of ACNH hide-and-seek!" ~~Coming Soon~~


if you havent seen/read mirai nikki i almost dont trust you...............

I started watching it a while back, but I stopped at around episode 4 for some reason.
I don't recall disliking it or anything, so maybe I'll go back and revisit it sometime...
same u o u
i dont think its as popular as it should be, tho

imo its pretty popular. not as popular as snk obviously but i see that yandere pose/face she does and ive seen jokes of it a lot on da so
an i'm pretty sure your last four posts or so in this thread have basically been minor alterations of this post

fine let me add to it

so damn guys eren is pretty hot huh??
anyone here read alive: the final evolution ?? hahaha that manga messed me up
if you're curious what its about its about a disease that makes everyone around the world suddenly commit suicide and the people who dont choose death get some special power ye

akame ga kill is cool too if youre into gore i guess? its pretty bloody and brutal
anyone here read alive: the final evolution ?? hahaha that manga messed me up
if you're curious what its about its about a disease that makes everyone around the world suddenly commit suicide and the people who dont choose death get some special power ye

akame ga kill is cool too if youre into gore i guess? its pretty bloody and brutal

I shall check out your recommendations !
akame ga kill is cool too if youre into gore i guess? its pretty bloody and brutal
I like to call it
death flags, the manga. I've never had a series have me on-edge whenever I read a new chapter for the likelihood that a main character might die.
I like to call it
death flags, the manga. I've never had a series have me on-edge whenever I read a new chapter for the likelihood that a main character might die.

oh my god when some of the main character dies i sat there staring at the page like ???????????????????????????? EH???? No..No ... and i liked them a lot and they all fricking died im done

kurome pisses me off so much like god i hate your guts
i miss chelsea i liked her a LOT and she was such a cool character and her death made me so so upset
I'm currently watching Naruto Shippuden and Free!. I also plan on resuming watching Chihayafuru, since I left off when it was still airing like.. ~2 years ago?

I'd probably be watching more, but I'm lazy and usually dislike watching anime that is currently airing.
oh my god when some of the main character dies i sat there staring at the page like ???????????????????????????? EH???? No..No ... and i liked them a lot and they all fricking died im done

kurome pisses me off so much like god i hate your guts
i miss chelsea i liked her a LOT and she was such a cool character and her death made me so so upset

It's such a breath of fresh air compared to the other action series I'm reading where characters survive through the most ridiculous injuries.

Kurome's pretty bad, but I really didn't like Seryuu. I would have flipped if Mein was the one who died in their last encounter.

Chelsea was definitely a really cool character. Since she had just joined, her death was pretty unexpected. Though I suppose that just emphasizes that no one is safe in this series?
I'm really looking forward to that Akame-centric prequel series. For having her name in the title, she doesn't really get all that much coverage in the proper series.


After a long wait, Bleach is finally back, hoorah!
More ridiculousness from Mayuri is always appreciated.