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📋ACNH- Suggestion Box


ㅇㅅㅇ ☆
Jul 4, 2018
New Horizons Token
Pear (Fruit)
Hey hey hey!

I made a thread like this on the acnl board a while back, and on the acnh board when it was still not even announced. What would you like to see in future updates? Since New Horizons will have A LOT of new content (judging by the most recent update), I thought it was the perfect time to revive the idea. Don't get me wrong, ACNH is the best game in the series, but a few new additions could really make it perfect!

For me personally, I would like Re-tail back. It was my favorite feature in New Leaf! Reese would buy/sell you DIY's, and Cyrus could customize furniture further. For example, maybe Cyrus could customize Nook Mile Rewards (since getting the variants are sooooo difficult). Other than that, Re-tail would stay the same. I'd also like some more new and returning villagers (kinda like how they did Filly and Holden in acnl).

The ability to rename the island would be amazing! It's always a slog to pick up a save file with a terrible name from 3 years ago. Maybe a change could only happen every 1 or 2 months, and require a 200,000 Bell fee. I find it especially weird you can't change your name, but you can change your gender on the fly. I was bummed when I named my island 'Sunburst Island', and later found out that they didn't refer to it as an island.

A few other features I'd like would be berry bushes, perfect fruit, deep sea diving, more fruits like bananas and avocados (yes, they do grow on trees. I Googled it!)

Anyways, what are some of your cool ideas? I'd like to find out what everyone's suggestions are. Have a great day!
Removal of, or greatly reduce crafting, and add back the NL and RV items as buyable items.

Get rid of the Crookphone.

Make the game AC at it's core again.
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If they're going to have a phone in the game, why not let us phone villagers? I don't mean for conversations, I mean if you can't find them/want to invite them over, etc. You can actually see them on their phones sometimes, so I know they have one too. You know Nook is tracking us all.

Also online marketplace a la the one in City Folk where you can put items up for sale and have people buy stuff without even needing to travel. I know some people (like me) have bad internet connection sometimes and just having an app or place to quickly do it would save time and headaches. It could even be run by Reese and Cyrus.
My suggestion would be for the game to add some sort of coffee shop. Maybe even the player could work at this coffee shop. Perhaps the villagers would come in and have their favorite set of coffee. Who knows, could even be kinda like a mini-game. When not working on the coffee shop, another NPC could be running the show. Not sure, but I think a type of bird is calling my name. Could be a seagull? No, definitely a pigeon, that’s it! Any name suggestions for this NPC? Hope this is a good suggestion for ACNH!
I saw a rumor on the comments of YT videos that update wave #2 will let us have multiple islands. I feel it's a bit too good to be true but I would love to kick my bro off my island onto his own haha. It's also hard always being player #2 cause you basically can't do anything and you get bored easily.
More fruit would be nice, also perfect fruit, I wonder why they didn't include them again.
The cafe is hopefully coming sometime, it'd be so cool if a little bakery or something similar was included. I just want more food that we can equip and eat.

Also jewelry, I'm thinking about long dangly earrings like in Pocket Camp! All sorts of piercings would be amazing too.



I’d like to be able to expand my house further so the rooms are at the very least the same size as they were in NL.

I’d like to be able to rotate my custom designs outside; I also want to place rugs outside.

I’d like to be able to cook and come up with different cooking recipes with different combinations and be able to make furniture this way as well as edible food and drinks. We need more drink items in the game; I love the liter of pop bottle that the outdoor picnic set has.

I’d like some more bush varieties including one without anything on it.

I agree that we should be able to customize our nook mile items to get the variants.

Allow us some form of design option for our villagers’ houses; I’m not expecting HHD level of freedom but some option would be nice.

I might post again since there might be more suggestions I can think of later.
More in-depth dialog! I'm so tired of hearing villagers repeat things over and over. Let us have conversations
with our villagers instead of them talking and us listening. We should be able to answer any questions they ask us. Make snooties and crankies actually snooty and cranky. It doesn't have to be a overly mean way like in population growing. Snooties could diss your outfit or hairstyle choices. Crankies could just act like they're in a bad mood all the time and say things like "Get off my lawn!".

Let us store flowers and DIYs! I would like to keep extra hybrids to use in crafting recipes, but I don't want my
island to look like nature has taken over. :)

Better rewards for paying all of your loans. It could be a gold statue or unlocking cool exteriors like castle and Japanese manor in NL. Most people have already customized their house the way they like by the time they
pay off their loans.

Different islands for different profiles needs to happen. I've shared my island with 3 different people, I get tired of one of them dropping their stuff everywhere. If I never logged on to clean up their mess, I'm sure it would look like a landfill in one month.

I also want the dream suite back because I have bad internet and want to tour other people's islands. I feel bad about declining island tours from nice people online because I don't want to lag out their island.

The villager friendships need a rework. I think giving gifts to build friendships with your villagers is not a good way to go about it. I'm friends with people because we spend a lot of time together not because of them giving me gifts. Friendship should be built by spending time talking to them, writing them letters, and helping them out. There needs to be an new dialog option where you can ask if they need a favor like in the older games instead of it being totally random.

They should stop color locking everything. It's annoying when you need a color variation of an item and have to go online to trade. Not everyone has good internet or switch online. It would be cool if re-tail would come back then Cyrus could change the color of your items.

I wish they would bring back villagers visiting you and the flea market.

And of course we need bulk crafting, bulk ordering, rugs outside, better clothes shopping, katrina, brewster, etc.
Light brown, dark blue, white, and light green hair! It would also be cool if there was bicolor, rainbow, or ombré hair.
I saw a rumor on the comments of YT videos that update wave #2 will let us have multiple islands. I feel it's a bit too good to be true but I would love to kick my bro off my island onto his own haha. It's also hard always being player #2 cause you basically can't do anything and you get bored easily.
Let me just stop you right there, if we need anything we need this
I saw a rumor on the comments of YT videos that update wave #2 will let us have multiple islands. I feel it's a bit too good to be true but I would love to kick my bro off my island onto his own haha. It's also hard always being player #2 cause you basically can't do anything and you get bored easily.

me when i'm dreaming

tbh though it feels too good to be true because if that even happens it won't be a wave 2 thing. that thing is for welcome amiibo re-release type of update 😩
I saw a rumor on the comments of YT videos that update wave #2 will let us have multiple islands. I feel it's a bit too good to be true but I would love to kick my bro off my island onto his own haha. It's also hard always being player #2 cause you basically can't do anything and you get bored easily.
I feel very doubtful this will ever happen because that would mean 2 people could possibly share the same game and have their own island which would mean they dont need to buy a separate game and nintendo loses money. We're all aware Nintendo enjoys charging for everything, especially those who played pocket camp🙄

Anyway I just wanna store my flowers