Shop ACMaster's shoppe <3 <3 (Updated 9/29/13)

I'm sorry! I will order those today and get them tomorrow. We could trade after 4pm EST.
OFFER: 120k? That would be 10k each. :)

That will be great! Although you can't order a straw boater :( I'll send you a PM when I'm available since I love in UTC +1 :3

I will not be able to get online for about 6 days. I am sorry. We can do any trades or purchases afterwards. Thank you for your cooperation.
Cubbyhole, dartboard, and storage case for 20k ?
Cubbyhole, dartboard, and storage case for 20k ?

Deal! We can trade sometime tommorrow. PM me when you are avalible after 2PM EST. I will check on the top of the hour every hour after that time. (I still need to order the items and I do not like time traveling) :)
Deal! We can trade sometime tommorrow. PM me when you are avalible after 2PM EST. I will check on the top of the hour every hour after that time. (I still need to order the items and I do not like time traveling) :)

Great! I should be free during then. I'll shoot you a PM round 2ish tomorrow. :)