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Yes I understand your point of you if you believe the baby is not alive.

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Birth Control

It doesn;t always work, after a while your body can get used to it and the effects stop working. Plus side effects like weight gain

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Not saying people shouldn't use birth control, it just doesn't solve the problem all the time
It doesn;t always work, after a while your body can get used to it and the effects stop working. Plus side effects like weight gain

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Not saying people shouldn't use birth control, it just doesn't solve the problem all the time

Yes uou are right but like iuds are extremely effective. The slim chance it does well I honestly have no idea.-
Yes I absolutely love meat its delicious and being guilty of it is literally idiocy. When you kill a cow is it wrong? It depends if it was to use then no if it was for your pleasure ofc not. Animals shouldnt even be compared to us. We can use them for sustenance but not for the purpose of killing. We should go start accusing a lion for eating another animal like srsly???

lions are carnivores, we are omnivores. they eat to survive and about 2/3 of the meat produced in america is thrown away because it gets spoiled before it reaches the table. idiocy? the fact that you say that just shows how pretentious and superior you feel about yourself compared to other species.

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Even if it were alive? Ok so in the case of rape you are entitled to murder? Did the unborn child do anything wrong? No.

oh my god you are a caveman stuck in the stone age

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What if the married couple don't want a kid? I plan to wait until marriage but I don;t wannt children in the slightest

please don't listen to the other guy. birth control pills are horrible for you and severely mess with your hormones and body. preventing pregnancy is really simple if you understand your ovulation. there are only 6 days you can get pregnant in every cycle, five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.

of course that doesn't mean you should go around having sex without condoms, though.
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Yes uou are right but like iuds are extremely effective. The slim chance it does well I honestly have no idea.-

using contraceptives is still only safe 99% of the time. yes it is way more safe than unprotected sex, obviously, but it's not like one person in a million who gets pregnant even though they used contraceptives, there are way more.
while IUDs seem to be good and very effective, it doesn't mean that it's 100% safe either.

and still, it doesn't mean that people who get pregnant when they don't want to be pregnant (no matter how they got pregnant, yes it's not good to not use a condom but even the people who used no contraceptives during sex shouldn't have to give birth to a child they don't want) should have to continue the pregnancy.

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lions are carnivores, we are omnivores. they eat to survive and about 2/3 of the meat produced in america is thrown away because it gets spoiled before it reaches the table. idiocy? the fact that you say that just shows how pretentious and superior you feel about yourself compared to other species.

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oh my god you are a caveman stuck in the stone age

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please don't listen to the other guy. birth control pills are horrible for you and severely mess with your hormones and body. preventing pregnancy is really simple if you understand your ovulation. there are only 6 days you can get pregnant in every cycle, five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation.

of course that doesn't mean you should go around having sex without condoms, though.

while it's true that birth control pills can have bad side effects (everything from depression, fatigue, gaining weight etc to lack of sex lust and stuff) they aren't evil and they do work for a lot of people.

and while it's true that it is possible to keep track of your menstrual cycle it's not really the perfect contraceptive and i still think ppl should use condoms but yeah that's just my opinion )x
This disagreement really just comes down to one thing. I personally believe that life starts at conception, so I feel it is murder. But if you believe life starts at birth, you'd have a different opinion.
An unborn child should be entitlted to life, abortion strips it away.

And going through with an unwanted pregnancy + having a baby + raising it strips the mother's life away.... holy **** my dude do you even care about women/people with uteri or do you only care about the unborn, unthinking blobs of flesh they have the ability to carry

Rape is a tragedy and in those cases more thinking is needed and the specifics are what's important.
It really doesn't require that much thinking nor does it require to be any more "specific" than "I was raped"

Here's where my argument comes in, if abortion was illegal how drastically will the amount of abortions be decreased? Easily 99 percent. The people who would go to that great of a length is because of an outside pressure and people like this would be very few. Most women if they became pregnant aside of rape would not go through an abortion if it wasn't legal and if they did it would most likely be because of an outside pressure.That's why I said I'd restrict it. For circumstances of rape and other fine lines.
Between the two choices yes I would choose what I had said.

Where did you get these wildly inaccurate statistics LMAO
If you illegalized abortion people would still have them, just unsafely. If someone didn't want to be pregnant, coat hanger abortions wouldn't hesitate to make a comeback.

Even if it were alive? Ok so in the case of rape you are entitled to murder? Did the unborn child do anything wrong? No.

Are you serious? Do you have any idea how traumatizing, how terrible rape is? The victim's life is already ruined, and now you want to force them to have to go through with a pregnancy? You're sick.


Here's some questions for you: Are you against same-sex couples having casual sex too? Do you speak out against the men that are also having casual sex? Or do you only hate women?
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i told someone not to be rude and staff removed their post and mine.

Why mine tho?
using contraceptives is still only safe 99% of the time. yes it is way more safe than unprotected sex, obviously, but it's not like one person in a million who gets pregnant even though they used contraceptives, there are way more.
while IUDs seem to be good and very effective, it doesn't mean that it's 100% safe either.

and still, it doesn't mean that people who get pregnant when they don't want to be pregnant (no matter how they got pregnant, yes it's not good to not use a condom but even the people who used no contraceptives during sex shouldn't have to give birth to a child they don't want) should have to continue the pregnancy.

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while it's true that birth control pills can have bad side effects (everything from depression, fatigue, gaining weight etc to lack of sex lust and stuff) they aren't evil and they do work for a lot of people.

and while it's true that it is possible to keep track of your menstrual cycle it's not really the perfect contraceptive and i still think ppl should use condoms but yeah that's just my opinion )x

Yeah, birth control pills aren't evil at all. I've been taking them for several years to help regulate my cycle, and while I'm not sexually active, they have really helped me a lot. I am fortunate to not experience any serious side effects. People should still be careful though because things can happen. I have heard stories where couples have been on several different types of birth control and still ended up pregnant, so things can still happen. You just have to be cautious.
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when people say abortions prevent life but say to use contraceptives which also prevent life ://////////
Whew, this blew up! Let's get to it. Danielkang, looking at your profile, you're super young (i.e. you're 12)... So I'll try to be nice.

I mean don't even risk it if you don't have what it takes to take care of the biproduct of your actions.

This brings up a philosophical question that's actually pretty interesting: Is consent to an action necessarily consent to all possible consequences? Legally, sure - we often sign contracts saying we understand risks before we undergo potentially deadly actions - but morally, and in real-life application, I don't think it holds up. Say you go bungee jumping, and your line snaps; do we say 'well, you just shouldn't have done that risky thing'? Say you start getting frisky with a partner, and they push you further than you want to go; do we say 'well, you should have known that would be the outcome'?

We don't, of course! We call those 'an unfortunate tragedy' and 'sexual assault,' respectively.

No, the pregnant person does not die. The unborn child does that's what's different. If both or either would die based on decision then that changes things.

I can tell you've never seen a pregnancy go wrong. Multiple women in my family had to be placed on bed-rest for the majority of their (wanted) pregnancies, or they would die. My fiancee's mother nearly died in childbirth. Over 50,000 US women a year experience what's known as "severe maternal morbidity," or severe pregnancy complications, and the number is rising. It's disrespectful to women who have died during pregnancy, women who have had troubled pregnancies, and women who have had to discontinue wanted pregnancies to say 'well, pregnant people don't die, so it's okay.'

Biologically speaking the man has no responsibility :p I still dont think its right but yeah.

I don't know where you got that from, but nah. Evolutionarily, men do have a responsibility to ensure their children's survival - if all their children die, they won't pass on their genes, obviously. (That's a major simplification, but whatever. Altruism likely goes beyond kin selection, too.) Furthermore, a lot of things are 'natural' that we wouldn't consider moral. My thoughts on that, though, are really complicated and would take an entire thesis to describe.

Furthermore, you never really addressed my point regarding mandatory organ transplants. I'd like to see your answer to that, if you have one!

--And an aside:

please don't listen to the other guy. birth control pills are horrible for you and severely mess with your hormones and body.

Eh. Of course they mess with your hormones; you're literally ingesting estrogen. This can increase your risk of cervical breast cancer, and it's really bad for people who get migraines with aura (you're at increased risk for stroke!). That said, some people have medical issues relating to hormone balance and rely on hormonal birth control to balance it; for example, I get debilitating menstrual migraines without aura, which birth control helps to resolve. A lot of women take estradiol during menopause, too, or during transition for trans women. Birth control pills actually reduce your risk of ovarian cancer, too! A blanket statement that hormonal birth control is 'horrible for you' doesn't really hold up.
Wait hes 12? Are you ****ting me, I've been wasting my time.

--Just looked again, it might be 14?? The number says 12, but the date would make him 14, so idk. Either way, yeah, he appears to be really young, so be nice.
Wait he's 12

Oh god

He's 14, hasn't updated his profile in two years, he is entitled to his opinion, even if he is to young to understand the situation all that well.

Edit: Just because he is 14 doesn't mean his opinion is any better than an adult though, you're all coming of as rude too.
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i dont think his age has anything to do with his opinion though, its likely that he wont change it in the future because many adults do believe the same thing
Going to go ahead and close this for a while.

Debating with others and having different opinions is absolutely fine, but when the thread ends up focusing on one user in particular it starts to feel like a personal attack.
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