A feature from EACH previous game that you would choose for New Horizons

what an interesting idea!

population growing - the ability to have 15 villagers.
wild world - the bright nights festival.
city folk - the city. i loved how bustling that place was, and getting to see random villagers there was super fun as well!
new leaf - minigames from tortimer’s island.
pocket camp - does the furniture count as a feature? 💀
New Leaf: Tortimer Island
Happy Home Designer:
The ability to decorate villager houses
Pocket Camp:
furniture sets
- GC: the ability to ask for work
- WW: the villager hobby system, it’s friendship system in general!
- CF: the observatory. It was in wild world too but I like wild world better so ;) bonus feature
- NL: Katrina lol
Yes I’m using the newer games to choose more classic features, I like the first two the best ok? xD
- HHD: ambiance sounds!
- PC: farming, I know it’s done in a mobile game way but I like growing random stuff like sunflowers for a goal. I want more crops for more reasons in new horizons
GC: Mean/rude villagers
WW: Little obscure holidays
CF: City, I guess
NL: Club LOL
HHD: The ambient sounds you could put in a room
PC: Literally all of the items and interactions lol
Several things in this thread made it into today's update!
Yes, I watched the direct recording, and I'm SOOO excited. I couldn't contain my excitement even after 5 min. They were so going so fast, my happy heart couldn't keep up.
I just want
Shop upgrade
Gracie to return
Villager dialogue update
Gift shop/observatory in museum