2017 Trends that need to be stopped

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When the pocket is sewn shut
Like why?????

Lol. It's so odd. I bought these really casual shorts on clearance at Walmart to wear when I take my dog outside and they have real pockets up front. The pockets are big enough to fit my iPhone 6 without sticking out at all! It's a complete wonder... But then the back pockets are sewn shut. Ugh. It drives me insane.
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I saw a video on how to make fidget spinner cookies, which was a bit too far honestly. I get the love for them since they help people, but for the most part I feel the sudden interest in them is because they're trending. So every company or business out there is just exploiting the heck out of them. By making merch or whatever. Which is kinda annoying.

I also think someone being "facebook famous or instagram famous" is a trend that needs to stop. I don't feel like that's ever been the purpose of those two social medias to get "famous" on them, it's more as a means to get connected with friends.
I saw a video on how to make fidget spinner cookies, which was a bit too far honestly. I get the love for them since they help people, but for the most part I feel the sudden interest in them is because they're trending. So every company or business out there is just exploiting the heck out of them. By making merch or whatever. Which is kinda annoying.

I also think someone being "facebook famous or instagram famous" is a trend that needs to stop. I don't feel like that's ever been the purpose of those two social medias to get "famous" on them, it's more as a means to get connected with friends.

Well, yeah, that's how usually these kinda things go pff. If kids like it and people want to buy it, then companies are gonna start pumpin' those suckers out 'til everyone's tired of seeing them. I don't mind fidget spinners themselves, but I do slowly start to die inside when I see people trying to incorporate them into the most irrelevant of things. Like those cookies you mentioned, for example.

As for the other thing, I really can't explain it other than to say that I guess it's more of a popularity thing? People like being on top, people like being noticed, nobody likes to be ignored. People in general are weird, man. I don't get why you'd wanna be famous on sites like those, though. Good lord, imagine just the absolute flood of notifications.
The whole fat vs skinny shaming thing. Let's just all encourage each other to look great instead!

Yeah, I don't get why people do fat shaming. But when inanimate object engage in fat shaming, your feeling would be hurt even more.

I never got fat-shamed by another human, but I did get fat-shamed by inanimate objects. Why do they hate me so much?
Fidget spinners.

I dont have issue with fidget toys but seeing people just buying them to buy them is annoying. Coming from someone who struggles to focus and has anxiety fidget spinners are just a excuse for others to mess around.
Fidget spinners.

I dont have issue with fidget toys but seeing people just buying them to buy them is annoying. Coming from someone who struggles to focus and has anxiety fidget spinners are just a excuse for others to mess around.

They aren't just for people with add/adhd, or people with anxiety. They're entertaining toys that anyone can have and enjoy.
They aren't just for people with add/adhd, or people with anxiety. They're entertaining toys that anyone can have and enjoy.

I'm speaking from personal experience they are distracting if you don't need them in class or at work etc. I'm not saying no one can enjoy them, but getting a teacher or a work place to acknowledge the legit use of these in class are going be a issue now. (back in my day I just tapped my pencil or tapped my hands on my leg.) ITS about those who just buy them to be a butthole and disturb people. (I know servile people like that.)

Also I dont consider it a toy for all, I know a 3 year old who almost choked :X I think toy can be used lightly but the need if they dont have age limits for younger ones.
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ableism (this is in response to fidget spinner hatred)
"Woke" is a term for people who aren't aware of the white privilege issue. I was first annoyed, but when I found out the purpose of it, I can understand the point for which it's used for.

I say lit, beast, savage, things like that, so uh. SORRY I'M CRINGEY.

but real talk, I hate the most generic ignorant people possible. And religious folks who aren't smart enough to dig deep enough understanding in their religion.
Literally everything internet lingo and dumb memes -_- yeah, sue I might use a few old ones but, yeah those dumb picture/meme sites you all know about.

And yeah fidget spinners.

Also since when is not shaving a trend? Or do I live completely under a rock, lol..? Do what you want but don't make either 'side' a trend for god's sake...
So many things... All the challenges and stuff are really dumb like nobody cares if you can flip a bottle, and the damn lava thing is getting people hurt :/ Still hate that fidgit spinners are so popular, I love that they're more available for people who need them but their popularity is also getting them taken away from people who need them so that sucks. A lot of memes that basically make fun of autistic people/feminists/trans people can go burn.
What trends of 2017 do you dislike?

Wearing bras as casual wear
The words bae

This or having like dark bras under white shirts and stuff.. dunno if that is a trend or people just do it but yeah I don't get the point of showing a support off but hey I don't use bras so...

And yeah people still use bae.. siiiiigh.
This thread just makes me realise how cut off I've been from everything since going back to school. Or that I'm getting old. But I prefer the first reason.

Can't say I've really observed anything that appears to be a trend. But I'm gonna say thanks for informing me of the 'bra as clothing' thing because that totally suits my style (don't hate me).
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