Would you spend £18 for an Amiibo card?

If they've been your dreamie for ages and they're at the top of Tier 1. Do you think that price is reasonable?

no, never this much. theres a blog on tumblr that does "adoption" and basically they have loads of amiibo cards and if you ask them, they can give you any villaged they have for free.... unless youre one of those people who dont want villagers that have lived in other towns, this is the best way to get dreamies i guess.
me, who has spent over 250$ in merch for a single fictional character

would not LMFAOOOOO im sorry my furry friends...
I guess as the opening poster had the price in pound sterling that they are in the UK - I'm in the UK & prices are in general, higher than in the US.
Having said that I wouldn't pay ?18 for a single amiibo card - as others have said there are ways round it - either adopt or buy a custom made card - Nintendo have made things so scarce its made this in my mind sort of acceptable, frustrating all round.

I have paid ?18 for amiibo figures - Felyne & one of the monster hunters with a female rider were both around the ?17/?18 mark - bought direct from Japan & price included postage. Haven't regretted that as the female figure in particular is beautifully made & I thought it worth the price.
Other amiibo figures I've had to buy at full retail price, although the acnl ones have been discounted every so often.
I've done best buying or pre ordering an amiibo figure as it is launched at RRP, sometimes they get discounted in the UK, but not often. Just keep a look out.
I wouldn't spend anything on one. I'm not interested in them, and if I was, I'd spend no more than like... a dollar
I personally think it?s worth it, but it depends on your financial situation. At first I was frugal and couldn?t imagine paying that much for an Amiibo card... Then I lost patience, and realised I probably wasn?t going to find desirable Tier 1 villagers for cheap on eBay... So I gave in. I?m so glad I did, and even though Lolly cost me ?25, I don?t regret it as I now have all the cards I need and don?t need to search eBay every single day in the hope I find a bargain.
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Not at all, that's money I could be using towards my college class.
No LMAO, the most I've ever spent on an amiibo card was $8 for bam. I would never spend more than that cuz I'm cheap lol
No matter how much I want my town's villagers in case any ever move
i get desperate for villagers but not that desperate. i'd look for alternative ways to get them
No way. I've already spent ?200 on the console and ?50 so I can play the game. No way am I paying that much for a card!
I just bought 8 cards. SMH.
Don't ask how much. O_O

I have 39 series 5 cards now.
I helped a friend get a card that was $19 USD. So yes. I would.
The only cards I've ever spent a ton of money on was the Sanrio cards, I spent $60 on a EU pack so $20 per card. Which I don't regret at all tbh considering how the price has at least doubled since I bought them lol
if there weren't any cheaper options... honestly yeah
i'm glad i bought most of my cards in bulk from conventions, there were a lot of people selling them for pretty cheap. the most i've spent on a pack is $20 (cad) for all the sanrio villagers, and like $15 of that was shipping since they were coming from the uk
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