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Women get periods, and that's a fact. You can't please every minority lmfao

Women aren't a minority. Especially when there are 1% more woman than men in the USA. :,)
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Women aren't a minority. Especially when there are 1% more woman than men in the USA. :,)
Minority isn’t about actual quantity.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I had to buy tampons today. It reminded me they’re still being taxed. :lemon:
they're normally not that bad for me, apart from the occasional minor cramp here and there. not too much of an issue, as they're always been pretty light. I do sports and I hear that helps, but I'm not sure
In math class I bled through a B&W striped dress and through my jacket that I had around my waist AND onto the chair a little bit. That day I almost died a bit inside, thank goodness for my friends!!!
*appreciation for period-goers intensifies*

for real though, periods hurt like hell and yet y'all get so much slack for complaining about it- which is completely understandable considering there'S BLOOD COMING OUT OF YOUR NETHER REGION AND YOUR ABDOMEN IS EXPLODING
periods really suck though- mood wise it always messes around with my depression and that is not fun so im glad they will be out of my life pretty soon
I just started mine early this morning at 7am yay. Mine aren’t too bad, I mostly get bloated and generally uncomfortable. They make me feel more lovey dovey so I shower my boyfriend with compliments and back rubs.
I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?
I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

I think that completely depends on the person. I’m usually in a much better mood on my period.
I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

I mean, symptoms improve when you actually start bleeding, I believe. Some people just have mood swings and become more easily irritated, whereas some people become clumsier and more confused

I've only had my period twice for some reason, and I didn't experience any pain or emotional changes at all lmfao
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I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

I personally feel more affectionate than usual. Irritability isn?t a factor for me any more than on other days.

Also, I think it?s important to state that for most people their moods don?t impact them or those around them nearly as much as it?s portrayed. The idea of women not being able to reason properly is fabricated to keep them out of the workforce.
Even when we do experience different or stronger emotions, they don?t really have more of an impact than any other person just having a bad day. For example, I have never noticed any of my female friends or relatives being drastically different on their period (I have never once been able to tell when someone is on theirs or not)
I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

The "woman are always raging lunatics on their periods" is WAY overused. Most of the period getters I know act pretty normal, but i of course can't speak for everyone. It just depends on the person.
Personally, I just get a tad more irritable, and it doesn't help that I feel uncomfortable.
I think that completely depends on the person. I’m usually in a much better mood on my period.

I mean, symptoms improve when you actually start bleeding, I believe. Some people just have mood swings and become more easily irritated, whereas some people become clumsier and more confused

I've only had my period twice for some reason, and I didn't experience any pain or emotional changes at all lmfao

I personally feel more affectionate than usual. Irritability isn’t a factor for me any more than on other days.

Also, I think it’s important to state that for most people their moods don’t impact them or those around them nearly as much as it’s portrayed. The idea of women not being able to reason properly is fabricated to keep them out of the workforce.
Even when we do experience different or stronger emotions, they don’t really have more of an impact than any other person just having a bad day. For example, I have never noticed any of my female friends or relatives being drastically different on their period (I have never once been able to tell when someone is on theirs or not)

The "woman are always raging lunatics on their periods" is WAY overused. Most of the period getters I know act pretty normal, but i of course can't speak for everyone. It just depends on the person.
Personally, I just get a tad more irritable, and it doesn't help that I feel uncomfortable.

Thanks for answering my question. I was wondering this because of South Park. In one of the episodes, the sister of one of the main characters was on her period at the same time she was grumpy, which got me wondering. But then again, it's not the periods that affect the mood. The character in question is always mean and rude.
periods SUCk. also just a lil tidbit of info, PMS happens BEFORE your period, not during. most people who get periods are just grumpy for many different reasons, pads are uncomfortable for those who don't want to use tampons, cramps get increasingly worse, you feel bloated and ugly bc the uterus actually grows when you're on your period. and it happens once a month too, worst week imo.
I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

i think youre better off googling this stuff bc it's bery different for different ppl. some get really emotional, some get sad or angry, some dont have any mood changes and so on
I'm so sorry :'( I hope it gets easier overtime or they develop some meds for the pain or something!!
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I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

I usually feel quite sad the day before it starts, without knowing why or being able to cheer myself up. Then when my period starts, I realise it's because of that. I don't really feel that when the period has actually started, I just might have some cramps (but usually not that bad). I don't feel my behaviour changes much, though, besides maybe looking a little depressed on that day before. :p
I have another question about periods. How does it affect the mood or behavior of the person having it? Does it always make them cranky, or does it have other effects on behavior?

i get really angry a couple of weeks before i start, but then when i'm actually on i calm down a lot