let's talk about Tumblr


barely active
Sep 1, 2017
Blue Hybrid Violet
Blue Hybrid Violet
Tumblr. Tuuuummmbllr. In 2015 I made an account, only get some info and read some fan fictions about my favorite bands, you know. I don't use it anymore, and a couple days ago on YouTube I was watching a video called "Everything wrong with Tumblr." I'll link the video at the bottom of this post. So you know, I'm watching it, until I come across one point of the video, it was about MAPs.

I didn't understand what MAPs were at first, so I looked it up and I was... freaked out. See, I'm not sure if I can talk about matters like this on here, but I only made this post so I can get other people's opinion on MAPS. If there's a mod reading this or something and it's not ok, just close it up, no worries.

Anyway, search up "tumblr MAPs" on google and you'll get a whole community on these people. If you're too scared to look it up just watch the video and go to 3:00, ends at 3:47.

here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AUZ3TK6E8E

it does have some profanity in it, so if you don't like that I guess don't watch it?

Anyways, what do you guys think? How do you feel about this community?
tumblr is a joke tbh and ive had mines since like....2011 or so. the community is unbelievably toxic its so crazy​
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Tumblr is lowkey frightening, but I suppose I just see the horrors second hand hsjsksk
My only first hand experience was the confessions lmfao, which I hate to admit was amusing
tumblr is a joke tbh and ive had mines since like....2011 or so. the community is unbelievably toxic is so crazy​

right?? I was in my own boyband world lmao I had no idea there were communities like that floating all around

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Tumblr is lowkey frightening, but I suppose I just see the horrors second hand hsjsksk
My only first hand experience was the confessions lmfao, which I hate to admit was amusing

reading their bios on some of the pages scared me. like some were so specific it made my heart drop
Wait no, when I was like 12 I read Smosh fanfics on there...................................................l m a o
i use to go on tumblr daily but i dont care anymore
to be honest even if it weren't for tumblr there wpuld still be communities like this, it just happens. its upsetting but what r u gonna do
Ehh I definitely have mixed emotions on tumblr. I used it almost religiously from 2012 till early 2015 and there were definitely pros and cons. On the one hand, it clued me in to a whole lot of social justice issues at a young age that I probably would've remained ignorant about had I never made a tumblr account. On the other, it impressed a really toxic attitude towards mental health and mental illness on me as an impressionable 13 year old that played a part in my falling into all kinds of bad habits that took ages to get rid of.

At the end of the day, I'm glad I remade my blog and pretty much just reblog pretty pictures these days. It makes the whole tumblr experience a whole lot less stressful honestly.
i use to go on tumblr daily but i dont care anymore
to be honest even if it weren't for tumblr there wpuld still be communities like this, it just happens. its upsetting but what r u gonna do

that's true, sadly. but because of tumblr there are more people who aren't afraid to say this, and act all confident, but if they were to say this to someone, in real life, there'll be no one to support them

Ehh I definitely have mixed emotions on tumblr. I used it almost religiously from 2012 till early 2015 and there were definitely pros and cons. On the one hand, it clued me in to a whole lot of social justice issues at a young age that I probably would've remained ignorant about had I never made a tumblr account. On the other, it impressed a really toxic attitude towards mental health and mental illness on me as an impressionable 13 year old that played a part in my falling into all kinds of bad habits that took ages to get rid of.

At the end of the day, I'm glad I remade my blog and pretty much just reblog pretty pictures these days. It makes the whole tumblr experience a whole lot less stressful honestly.

I agree, I've seen a lot of tumblr posts glorifying mental illnesses and health issues, and it's not cute. I'm just glad I didn't see it when I was younger or else it would have made a very bad impression on me
I've only been to tumblr for animal crossing stuff, which is not very often. Other than that I don't really know much about it, but according to others it's quite bad?
I don't have any ill feelings towards the site. I use it, but the catch is that I don't interact with anyone, lol. I'm there for Sims downloads mainly.
I've been using tumblr a long time, and even met my boyfriend of nearly 5 years on there too. However, Tumblr is A Bad Website.

I dislike tumblr, but mainly use it for following Japanese artists (not a fan of twitter, which is how a lot of Japanese artists post work)

I don't want to rant too much, but the websites near collective views on mental health, self diagnosis and the like, its really shocking. There is an 'autistic' community on tumblr which is comprised nearly entirely of people who don't have autism. They simply say they do (no diagnosis, and quite frankly no knowledge on the condition) so they can have a little quirk about them that puts them on 'the victim ladder' - What's the victim ladder? Well that's a can of worms that quite frankly is not worth opening. Tumblr Bad.

Actually perhaps I should extend on this a little. I, someone who is severely debilitated by sensory processing disorder and autism, have been told I am racist and 'not autistic' because I have seen misinformation spread and simply said 'No, That's not actually a symptom of autism' or for saying things like 'Hey can you please stop fetishising my disorder, you don't seem to understand it at all'. It's a wacky site. I hate it. But the art is worth putting up with the garbage self obsessed people. This whole 'neurodivergent' community on tumblr, it's all bull****. None of them have the conditions they claim to have. It really makes me mad.

That said I do like posting my own art on there lol.
I've never used Tumblr except to look for QR codes for Animal Crossing. So I don't really run into any of the nonsense that happens there.
i use tumblr regularly. i prefer it over other forms of social media simply because of the system (reblogging, liking posts, etc) and it's where i can like, freely post about whatever i want without having to worry about it being connected to my offline life. i have things like instagram but i hardly ever use it simply because i'm directly linked to all the ppl i know irl and i don't.. want to interact or show myself to these people. it's hard to explain but i feel much more comfortable posting and sharing random things there than i would on twitter (which i don't even have), insta, or on forums.

that being said, like what the others said, overall its a.. horribly toxic community. of course there's sides to everything and there's people regularly fighting against the ****ty standards set across the site, but its there nonetheless. one thing i commonly see is the thought that basic self care to fight against mental illness (like staying hydrated, exercising or doing yoga, open a window, basic stuff) is put on a "we can't all be neurotypical" status. like, come on guys.
also like? callout culture? tf.
then there are some people that are Ready to like, fr suicide bait people because they criticized a children's cartoon.

i don't want to go on too much about this since i can't collect my thoughts the best on this rn.

like every other social media it really depends on who you surround yourself with, what discourse you choose to get involved in or avoid (honestly just all of it for your own sake). i use it to talk about and seek out content for other fandoms i'm in, find aesthetic posts, and for funny posts/memes. i keep my distance from all the bat**** people on there. no thank you. discourse can get nasty and like the things mentioned in the original post there's.. ugh.
i'll just stop here lol
MAPs are literally just pedophiles and the kink communities on there are god awful.

But I'm just basically gonna give my overall opinion that I did before:

It's a mixed bag for me.

The staff are horrible when it comes to moderation and fixing their site layout, and they refuse to listen to the thousands of people who constantly tell them to fix things and do their job, first of all. Like, that's a pretty big problem.

There's also a lot of discourse that's pretty dumb, like ace discourse for one, that's all dumb and is majorly a Tumblr thing for a reason. Hella fandoms are just overall toxic, too.

Then again, there is some good stuff, like I've got friends on there and I know there's been people who have gotten pretty popular with their art from that site, so that's definitely something.

Call out culture and stuff doesn't really bother me, because I see it as it's not entirely a horrible thing if done right, y'know. Like if it's not something dug up from three years ago on a person when they've totally changed their views and grown up by that point.

"SJWs" don't bother me either, since that's mostly a weak label at this point and most of the time people called that are just people who speak on things that stray away from the status quo and such. Also, many Tumblr users in these circles are kids or teenagers, and you can't always expect someone from that area to know all the ins and outs of every social justice thing of the last century or so.

Whatever works for people though, I'm just stating some probably unpopular opinions here.
Anime fanbases are the worst on there (Pretty sure other sites too, but I'm talking about Tumblr only), the fanbase I'm in they're always bashing two certain female characters (especially yoai shippers), Two canon pairing shippers won't stop being annoying with their stupid 'My pairing is the main pairing' crap (I like both pairings and the story has has nothing to do with pairings, please shut up..), people making death threats to the author or the author's assistant to make their pairing canon even though the manga has ended and one day these same idiots made a petition to ban the manga in the US until the author change the ending OF HIS DARN MANGA IN FAVOR FOR THEIR DEAD SHIPS! Oh, don't get me started with the Thank you page..it was just sad lol

I heard once that these people even had this blog where they used to track down people who ship the canon ships and hurt them for real. (But I don't think it's true, but they're crazy enough to think about going to Japan and hurt the author there.so...)

And if you like a certain character or whatever, someone would literally send you an anonymous message telling you to kill yourself. Like grow up!

Just stay away..
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Wtf. This is worse than that diapers fetish thing on DeviantArt.
I use Tumblr but only some communities like true crime (I avoid the cosplayers, glorifiers, etc), Pokemon, AC, horror movies/aesthetic, Bates Motel, ASoUE, bands (esp. Kurt Cobain/Nirvana), writing/quotes and Harry Potter.
I'll sometimes post about my mental illnesses and the schizo spectrum (I'm diagnosed with every mental illness I claim to have, so I'm not like those self-diagnosis people). I remember last night I ran into this chick going on about how criminals are never mentally ill and that violence is exclusive to men. Actually ?? ??? ???? Sometimes (rarely) mental illness does cause violence and has been the root of the problem for many killers (Jeffrey Dahmer, Randy Stair, Ted Bundy (being a psychopath, and antisocial personality disorder IS a mental disorder)). And no, violence is NOT exclusive to men. Brenda Spencer and Jodi Arias are such examples of not all women being inept to violence. I will agree, though, not every killer has a mental disorder. Some just do it for revenge (Caleb Sharpe, who killed one classmate this year after shooting up his school. He wasn't mentally ill; he was just a revenge killer).
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i can't stand tumblr aside from some AU-based blogs and other art blogs. it also helps me keep up on anime and manga. that's cool i guess.

tumblr, otherwise, is pure garbage. everyone on there thinks their opinions are set in stone and anyone differing from them will be attacked ruthlessly or forced into submission. one time i posted an opinion about how attacking people who don't like body hair is pointless because literally no one will have the same opinion and i lost about 50 followers and got sent a few attacks as well.

there's just psychopaths in every fandom too. it's unavoidable. i don't talk to anyone on there anymore but i had a few close friends who weren't *******s. tumblr is a cesspool and i could rant all night but ima just leave it there lol.